日蓮大聖人は、末法濁悪の人と国を、根底からお救いくださる大慈大悲、絶大威徳の御本仏であられる。人生の目的を知らずに生きているのは、行先不明の翻訳 - 日蓮大聖人は、末法濁悪の人と国を、根底からお救いくださる大慈大悲、絶大威徳の御本仏であられる。人生の目的を知らずに生きているのは、行先不明の英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Nichiren daishonin muryoukou mappo evil people and country basis save us from the greatBook Buddha uiduk been.Living without knowing the purpose of life is to an unknown destinationThe bus ride and be identical. You have to get real rest in peace is the purpose of life. Over life and death and the attainment of Buddhahood, alternating forever happy boundary "means. The Buddhism of Nichiren daishonin if you practice family, any person changing fate, to be invited to, based onharmonious of the attainment of Buddhahood in the dying, life after death also get great comfort. It is in the boundaries of the attainment of Buddhahood. And the afterlife after death can understand that people might be. But though he wastes and speculations are not. All discussing the evidence. And the evidence in death phase. The dying woman's lifetime reckoning. At the same time and appears now dying phase should receive in the future after the death of the person. Therefore, it is the Nichiren daishonin "Life is pretty ruthless. Learn first to death... However after confirmations should learn. The 仰serarete and the 仰serarete.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Nichiren is, the people and the country of the latter days Nigowaru, Daijidaihi Kudasaru deliver us from the ground, tremendous
are rough in your book Buddha Itoku.
Alive without knowing the purpose of life is, destination unknown
is the same as riding the bus. The purpose of life is to get a really Buddhahood.
 Buddha refers to the unexpected collapse forever over the life and death happiness boundary of the.
 If the practice home to the Buddhism of Nichiren, any person also fate changes, invited fortunately in this world, the current same phase of the Buddha is to deathbed, also get a large euthanasia of life. This is the boundary of Buddhahood.
Unexpected know, such as that of the post-mortem of the afterlife, would be a man named. But Buddhism is but not the ideology-doctrinaire. All discussed with the evidence.
And the evidence is the deathbed of phase. Dying is a lifelong bottom line. At the same time, luck appears to be the person in the deathbed of the phase is subjected to post-mortem of the future.
Therefore Nichiren is
"human life is Nari heartless. If Saleh ... First shalt learn the eventful to later learn that the deathbed"
are Begone are Begone with.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The Nichiren Daishonin, and age of the pollution from evil people, you saved a great, great compassionIn virtue of the Buddha.It is the goal of life is to know the destination unknownBeing on the bus. The purpose of life is to get the Great Buddha.Of happiness and peace all over the border between life and death is forever lost.In my home to practice Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin, any change in this world, people"s destiny, fortunately, the death of Buddha phase, and life after death to get great comfort. This is a Buddha.I know that after death, or both. However, however, Buddhism ideology theory. All the evidence is discussed.And the evidence is dying. Death is the culmination of a lifetime. At the same time, the person should have good fortune in the future of the death of one"s death.Therefore, the Nichiren Daishonin"Life is hard. And that"s when the first pressure after learning to learn.And he said that.
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