ラジオ体操は本来、健康維持のために行う人が多いが、結果として集まった人たちとの間にコミュニティが生まれるのではないかと考えた。本論ではこれを翻訳 - ラジオ体操は本来、健康維持のために行う人が多いが、結果として集まった人たちとの間にコミュニティが生まれるのではないかと考えた。本論ではこれを英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I think community is born between the people who gathered as a result the radio gymnastics typically people originally do to stay healthy. In this paper, we call it secondary community. Figure out how the radio gymnastics contributes to community formation in the area, also research and its association with the use of venue space, to clarify the usefulness of secondary community. Found that survey responses from health maintenance and regular life is the main purpose of the radio gymnastics, resulting in exchanges with people is born. If you have planting bench other participants or health promotion instruments and participants to take care on time. Found that the radio gymnastic exercises subsidiary community formation and spatial elements full activity of the radio gymnastics more often than not affect.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Originally, people who do it for health maintenance is often radio gymnastics, but I think the community is either not born in between the people who gathered as a result. Are referred to as secondary community forming the same in this paper. Investigate the linkage of the space utilization of the venue also understand, how radio gymnastics or contribute to the community formation in the region, to clarify the usefulness of the secondary community formation. From questionnaire responses, the purpose of most of the radio gymnastics it was found that the "But regular life" and "health", "interaction with people" is born as a result. affects the dwell time if there is planting the participants and if there is a health promotion and equipment bench participants Tomareru take care. Therefore, it was found that the spatial elements and secondary community formation by radio gymnastics, affecting not a little to the activities of radio gymnastics before and after.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Radio gymnastics, but many people do for health maintenance, and as a result, between the people gathered in the community was born. In this paper, this is called secondary community formation. Contributes to exercise, how to grasp the formed within a community space utilization and research work of the venue, to clarify the usefulness of the community. By the questionnaire answersThe best exercise for the health maintenance and regular life "," but "born", and has been found. When planting for participants to take care when participants and our bench apparatus and health promotion in time. Therefore, the collateral and community building element with exercise, it is found that the significant activity before and after exercise. At
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