In a little stopped
Shigeo Kuwahara in myself what was I think A, been pointed out also said that B from people, the more it will be so also experience taught to be said a lot. The figure above is one entitled "Rubin of the pot." If you look closely, you should be able to take a look the two kinds of picture from this figure. If you look around the white part, vase shaped like a cup is crisp and emerge. In this case, the black portion is only the back. Now, on the other hand, we try to focus on the black part. Then, the two of the shadow of the face that are facing becoming visible, white part becomes the back. In the case of this figure, when it is seen in the center of the vase, appeared two people are no longer visible face of should have, looking around the two people face, in an instant, picture of vase is gone from the eye to become. Such a thing, we will experience well also in daily life. Now, let's say you are turning in around the bridge rests on the pond of the park. Then, a girl comes from the other side of the bridge. Eyes are attracted to the girl. In this case, those of peripheral such as bridges and ponds all, become mere background. Speaking at the camera, quickly, focus is from being aligned with the girl. But to the contrary, uncommon form of the bridge, when you are paying attention to it, such as people passing over that becomes the background. The work of seeing, there is an unexpected one side. In a moment, you can decide what you see in the center, it is to be able to or change it. But what if the figure above. Some people see a little with the young women of the picture facing the back of the figure is spoofing, will some people be seen as a picture of a grandmother who buried my chin coat of fur. Alternatively, it may be some people to see the other picture. Anyone, to instantly look glance, but should have seen a picture of something, Then, it is difficult to see another picture. For those who thought it was a young woman of the picture, grandmother of the painting does not come visible to the simple. To see a picture of the old woman, I should not for the time being, to be abandoned and be aware of the picture of the young women who are visible now. Let's look at the figure on the left. Picture of a woman sitting in front of the dressing table will be visible. But this figure also has hidden another picture. Let away the eye. Then, out of immediately, this figure would change the picture painted skull. Even in the same figure, depending on whether viewed from a distance you see from nearby, it is to be received as a completely different picture. This is not that nothing unique to painting. Also beautiful Mt. Fuji and if you look from a distance, as it approaches, changes in the exposed rough figure was of rock. Also, beautiful buildings if you look from a distance, looking approaching, and or was it cracked sooty wall of the building. We are tied to the impression when viewed glance, it captures only one side, we tend to think as know all of the things. However, even in the landscape also one of the figure, the different things that come into view by the view. Therefore, when you see things, little can be stopped, and what about not try the other perspective. You can change what you see in the center, if changing the distance when you look, you noticed on the other side of the thing, you will be able to taste the surprise and joy of new discoveries.