永代供養と似た言葉で、永代使用というものがあります。永代使用とは、最初に一時金として使用料を払い、墓地や納骨堂を使用する権利を購入。管理料な翻訳 - 永代供養と似た言葉で、永代使用というものがあります。永代使用とは、最初に一時金として使用料を払い、墓地や納骨堂を使用する権利を購入。管理料な英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In words similar to the Perpetual memorial service, there is a thing called the Perpetual use.
The Perpetual use, and pay for internet as a lump-first, buy the right to use the ossuary and cemetery. This is called the Perpetual use the right to be able to continue to pay such as management fee, to use the grave much. It would be helpful to imagine the grave conventional.
Perpetuity free to use, will take about (excluding administrative expenses) 2000000-5000000 yen roughly Including as well as rate of tombstone.
Maternal us with the management three temple cemetery, public cemetery, private cemetery can be broadly divided into, but there. In addition to the management fee and Perpetual use fee, have the memorial service to pay the donation in the temple cemetery. Public cemetery is attractive a reasonable cost, but currently there is not free easily.
In addition, it seems there is also a charnel house that can be used by pay perpetuity used in. Compared with normal cemetery, and in a good place of access is often charnel house.
And ease of management, from the safety of the expense,You choose the place, it might be another option.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Perpetual usage there, in words similar to the masses.
Buy used cemetery, ossuary, paid as a lump-sum royalties first and perpetual use rights. Right to continue to pay the management fees, been used the grave is known as perpetual use. Familiar image of a traditional grave.
Perpetual royalties are included as well as the gravestones in (except administrative expenses ¥ ¥ 2 million to 5 million) as it takes.
Maternal to management is broadly, there are three Temple Cemetery, public cemetery, a private cemetery. Ask alms, perpetual royalty and management fees in addition pay the alms in the Temple Cemetery. Reasonable cost is attractive public cemetery is not free but is present.
Also available pay a perpetual use while in the crypt there are. Compared with the normal cemetery ossuary, tends to be accessible.
From the low cost and ease of administrationClick here to choose may be one option.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Eitai Memorial and Word with a similar Eitai, there are used. Use
Eitai and the first to use as a temporary money after paying a fee to the cemetery, charnel houses to purchase rights to use. Management and other fees to keep the tomb, has been able to use Eitai right to use. Traditional Tomb of images and easy-to-understand.
Eitai usage fee, as well as fees for tombstones and include about 2 million to 5 million yen (excluding administrative costs), it will take more.
The management will not increase maternal is the temple cemetery, public cemetery, the privatization of the three cemeteries. The temple in the graveyard Eitai usage fee, management fee in addition to the memorial service to pay the membership fee. public cemetery is a reasonable cost is attractive, but it is not free.
You can also use the Eitai to pay charnel houses are also available. charnel house is a normal Cemetery and the access to a location with better than you will most likely be.
ease of management and the cost of the depreciation, fromClick here to choose one of the may not be selected.
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