☆クリスマスメッセージ クライストチャーチTAMAGAWA 瓦政史代表牧師☆朝焼けの赤星。ルカ2章 シュメール第一王朝の首都はウルである。そ翻訳 - ☆クリスマスメッセージ クライストチャーチTAMAGAWA 瓦政史代表牧師☆朝焼けの赤星。ルカ2章 シュメール第一王朝の首都はウルである。そ英語言う方法

☆クリスマスメッセージ クライストチャーチTAMAGAWA 瓦政史代表


クライストチャーチTAMAGAWA 瓦政史代表牧師









今日、世界の救済の大志を抱き産声を上げる、清らかな赤子のお顔を覗き込み、こみ上げるような幸せに胸ふるわせる刹那に神様は あなたを招待しようとされておられます。

☆クリスマスメッセージ クライストチャーチTAMAGAWA 瓦政史代表牧師 ☆朝焼けの赤星。ルカ2章 シュメール第一王朝の首都はウルである。その出身者アブラハムに神様は星を見上げさせ、あなたの子孫はあの星々のように数えるのが不可能なほど数多くなる。そして、地上のすべてのものはあなたによって祝福される。と仰った。 星に縁のある地域である。実は、この地に天文学が発達した。学者たちは一年を365日6時間11分と計算した。今あるグレゴリア暦と4分しか違わぬ精巧な暦である。シュメール王朝の後のバビロンにはシッパル天文学校ができ、粘土盤に観測日記が記されている。 バビロンに居残ったユダヤ人達の中の多くの人もそこで学んだのかも知れない。 ある日、そのバビロンから高級な学者たちが、従者を多数連れて貢ぎ物を持ってヘロデ大王に謁見し、「我々は朝日の昇る頃、光の強い水平線に垂直に昇る特別な星を5月29日に見ました。10月3日にも見たので、国を出て、たぶんユダヤの国の新しい王が誕生したようなので挨拶とお祝いに来ました。」と言った。。(この日付はドイツの考古学者シュナーベルが1925年に発掘したシッパル天文学校の観測日記から引用したもの。) 3ヶ月の旅であったろう。ヘロデは聖書学者たちを呼び新しい王はベツレヘムに生まれるとの預言を知る。東からきた博士にベツレヘムに行けと言い、探し出したら報告せよと言った。 実はその星は土星と木星が異常接近する「相合」と言う現象で世界中にその現象の記録がある。ベツレヘムに向かう一行の正面に12月4日三度その星が現れた。彼らは聖書の言う星に導かれ、救い主に出会うことになる。時はBC7年。 ローマではアウグストゥスの家の星、木星と繁栄の印の星、土星が一つになったときとして大いに祝われている。またその子ティベリウスが戦いで大勝利するなど祝う種は事欠かなかった。 エジプトではアレキサンドリアのカテリウスが金星と木製の相合と解釈し、金星の神イシスに参拝し碑文を記す。それは今に残る。 当時、全世界が見たその星こそダビデの蘖、世界の救い主イエスキリストの誕生を天体にも地上のすべてのやからにも告げ知らせる燦然と輝く朝焼けの赤星であった。 後のイスラエルに大きな変革をもたらすバビロン捕囚、世界宗教として、また世界観を持った預言書として計り知れな神の意図が織り込まれた重要な期間であった。その中に、この天文学者達のようにユダヤのメシヤ信仰に通じたものたちもいた。神の言葉は当時を境に世界に散った。 ところで、その博士たちを迎えたヘロデ大王はユダヤ人ではない。マカベヤ家の衰退に乗じて、ローマから任命を受け政権を執ったエソウの末裔イシュマエルの血を継ぐイドマヤ人である。ユダヤの血が欲しくてハスモン家からの妻を持っていた。人民から尊敬されるため大神殿を復興している。しかし、毎日、政権内のユダヤ人を殺していったという。身の毛もよだつ男だ。遂にハスモン家の再興を恐れ、自分の妻、ユダヤの血を最後に引く自分の息子たちも殺してしまった。これで、ユダヤの血はすべて滅んだと安堵した矢先、東方の博士が、新しいユダヤの王が生まれたとやって来た。 神のご計画は必ず完成されるのです。どんな人が、どんな妨害をしようとも、天体が確実に時を刻むように、必ず、正確に行われるのです。 そして、すべてに人に注がれるこの神の恩寵は神を見上げるものにはっきりと確認され、また知らぬ者の上にも平等に注がれているのです。 成功している者にも、失敗している者にも、裕福な者にも、貧しい者にも、嫌われている者にも、愛されている者にも、健康な者にも、病気の者にも、就職に苦しむ若者にも、後期高齢者にも、警察官にも、犯罪者にも、潰れかけている店を必死で持ちこたえている者にも、繁栄している者にも、一人でイブを迎えなくてはならない若者にも、パーティーの招待状が山ほど来ている者にも世界のみんなにその恩寵は注がれている。 今日、世界の救済の大志を抱き産声を上げる、清らかな赤子のお顔を覗き込み、こみ上げるような幸せに胸ふるわせる刹那に神様は あなたを招待しようとされておられます。
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
☆ Christmas message Christchurch TAMAGAWA tile Masafumi representative Pastor☆ Sunrise akahoshi. Luke 2: Is the capital of the Sumerian No. 1 dynasty in Ur. Born of Abraham God made up at stars, your offspring will be many as impossible to count the stars. And all the things of the Earth will be blessed through you. And implications. Among the stars in the border region. In fact, this area developed astronomy. Scholars calculated as 365 days a 6:11 year. Now the Gregorian calendar, with an elaborate calendar same only 4 minutes. After the Sumerian dynasty of Babylon is chipper astronomy school and observation diary written on clay. You may have learned in there too many people in the Jewish people to Babylon 居残tta. One day, from the Babylon prestigious scholars followers many tribute to have the Court of Herod the great, and "a special star rises vertically in light of strong horizontal line around the rising sun we saw 5/29. Out of country because it saw the 10/3, so maybe new Jewish King was born, such as greetings and congratulations! "And the said. (This date is taken from the excavated in 1925, Germany archaeologists Schnabel chipper astronomy school observation diary. ) 3 months for the journey. Know the prophecy and the new King was born in Bethlehem, Herod called Bible scholars. Said the report find a doctor who came from the East to go to Bethlehem. Actually the star is record the phenomenon of worldwide in the Symptoms section to close Saturn and Jupiter are "they" say. 12/4 appeared the star three times in front of the line head to Bethlehem. They are led by Star says in the Bible, it will meet the Savior. When BC 7 years old. As when in Rome star of the House of Augustus, signs of prosperity in Jupiter and Saturn become one very much celebrated. Also not lacked celebrate child Tiberius to victory in battle, such as species. Venus and the crushing of wood interprets catellius of Alexandria in Egypt, and then visit the Venus God ISIS the inscription. It will now remain. Celestial bodies are all from the ground told David 蘖 the world Savior Jesus Christ birth is seen all over the world at the time, the star was in the radiant glow let akahoshi. Bring big change in Israel after the Babylonian captivity as a world religion also unfathomable as a Prophet with a view of the world was in a significant period was interwoven into the God's intention. Therein, through the faith of the Jewish Messiah as astronomers have what we had. God's Word is scattered world on the border at that time. By the way, Herod the great celebrated Dr who is not Jewish. In idumea who succeed ESO multiplied by the decline of the macabeya House, appointed by Rome and spearheaded the administration of Ishmael's blood. For Jewish blood, had a wife from jasmon House. To be respected by the people has revived the great temple. However, every day, was killing the Jewish people within the administration. It's a horrid man. Finally fear has Mon House revival, his wife, Jewish blood draws at the end my son who ended up killing. Came just when Jewish blood is all ruined, it relieved the wise men, the new Jewish King was born. It is God's plan must be completed. What kind of person no matter any disturbance, was ticking, as always, precisely to ensure the is. And poured them all this God's will look up to God as clearly and the equally also poured onto the person does. To young people who are successful also failed and by wealthy, poor, who hated, who loved, health, sick persons also suffer from job also, to the elderly, to police officers, criminals also, shop over & desperate in persons holding to also, prosperity who to also, alone Eve youngsters not Gynecomastia in also, party of invitation mountain as who has come to also everybody in the world grace is poured. Look into the face of pure baby today, hold high hopes of salvation in the world, was born, and like well up happy breast is he is the momentary dazzle God invites you to try.☆クリスマスメッセージ クライストチャーチTAMAGAWA 瓦政史代表牧師 ☆朝焼けの赤星。ルカ2章 シュメール第一王朝の首都はウルである。その出身者アブラハムに神様は星を見上げさせ、あなたの子孫はあの星々のように数えるのが不可能なほど数多くなる。そして、地上のすべてのものはあなたによって祝福される。と仰った。 星に縁のある地域である。実は、この地に天文学が発達した。学者たちは一年を365日6時間11分と計算した。今あるグレゴリア暦と4分しか違わぬ精巧な暦である。シュメール王朝の後のバビロンにはシッパル天文学校ができ、粘土盤に観測日記が記されている。 バビロンに居残ったユダヤ人達の中の多くの人もそこで学んだのかも知れない。 ある日、そのバビロンから高級な学者たちが、従者を多数連れて貢ぎ物を持ってヘロデ大王に謁見し、「我々は朝日の昇る頃、光の強い水平線に垂直に昇る特別な星を5月29日に見ました。10月3日にも見たので、国を出て、たぶんユダヤの国の新しい王が誕生したようなので挨拶とお祝いに来ました。」と言った。。(この日付はドイツの考古学者シュナーベルが1925年に発掘したシッパル天文学校の観測日記から引用したもの。) 3ヶ月の旅であったろう。ヘロデは聖書学者たちを呼び新しい王はベツレヘムに生まれるとの預言を知る。東からきた博士にベツレヘムに行けと言い、探し出したら報告せよと言った。 実はその星は土星と木星が異常接近する「相合」と言う現象で世界中にその現象の記録がある。ベツレヘムに向かう一行の正面に12月4日三度その星が現れた。彼らは聖書の言う星に導かれ、救い主に出会うことになる。時はBC7年。 ローマではアウグストゥスの家の星、木星と繁栄の印の星、土星が一つになったときとして大いに祝われている。またその子ティベリウスが戦いで大勝利するなど祝う種は事欠かなかった。 エジプトではアレキサンドリアのカテリウスが金星と木製の相合と解釈し、金星の神イシスに参拝し碑文を記す。それは今に残る。 当時、全世界が見たその星こそダビデの蘖、世界の救い主イエスキリストの誕生を天体にも地上のすべてのやからにも告げ知らせる燦然と輝く朝焼けの赤星であった。 後のイスラエルに大きな変革をもたらすバビロン捕囚、世界宗教として、また世界観を持った預言書として計り知れな神の意図が織り込まれた重要な期間であった。その中に、この天文学者達のようにユダヤのメシヤ信仰に通じたものたちもいた。神の言葉は当時を境に世界に散った。 ところで、その博士たちを迎えたヘロデ大王はユダヤ人ではない。マカベヤ家の衰退に乗じて、ローマから任命を受け政権を執ったエソウの末裔イシュマエルの血を継ぐイドマヤ人である。ユダヤの血が欲しくてハスモン家からの妻を持っていた。人民から尊敬されるため大神殿を復興している。しかし、毎日、政権内のユダヤ人を殺していったという。身の毛もよだつ男だ。遂にハスモン家の再興を恐れ、自分の妻、ユダヤの血を最後に引く自分の息子たちも殺してしまった。これで、ユダヤの血はすべて滅んだと安堵した矢先、東方の博士が、新しいユダヤの王が生まれたとやって来た。 神のご計画は必ず完成されるのです。どんな人が、どんな妨害をしようとも、天体が確実に時を刻むように、必ず、正確に行われるのです。 そして、すべてに人に注がれるこの神の恩寵は神を見上げるものにはっきりと確認され、また知らぬ者の上にも平等に注がれているのです。 成功している者にも、失敗している者にも、裕福な者にも、貧しい者にも、嫌われている者にも、愛されている者にも、健康な者にも、病気の者にも、就職に苦しむ若者にも、後期高齢者にも、警察官にも、犯罪者にも、潰れかけている店を必死で持ちこたえている者にも、繁栄している者にも、一人でイブを迎えなくてはならない若者にも、パーティーの招待状が山ほど来ている者にも世界のみんなにその恩寵は注がれている。 今日、世界の救済の大志を抱き産声を上げる、清らかな赤子のお顔を覗き込み、こみ上げるような幸せに胸ふるわせる刹那に神様は あなたを招待しようとされておられます。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

☆ Christmas message Christchurch TAMAGAWA Kawarasei-shi representative pastor ☆ of sunrise Akahoshi. Luke Chapter 2 capital of the Sumerian first dynasty is Ur. That the graduates Abraham God let up at the stars, your offspring it will be many more that can not be counting as of that star people. Then, the ground of all things be blessed by you. And I was saying. It is a region with an edge to the star. In fact, astronomy developed in this land. Scholars was calculated one year and 365 days 6 hours 11 minutes. It is a sophisticated calendar that not different only Gregorian calendar and 4 minutes it is now. Can Sippar astronomy school in Babylon after the Sumerian dynasty, observation diary is written in the clay board. Many of the people in the Jewish people who enjoyed them like Babylon might have learned there. One day, exclusive scholars from the Babylon, an audience to Herod the Great to have a tribute to take a large number of followers, "We are about to climb the morning sun, a special star rising perpendicular to the strong horizontal line of light in May also because saw Viewed Was. October 3 on the 29th, and out of the country, it was probably said so, such as the new king of the Jews of the country was born with the greeting I came to the celebration. "he said. . (This date archaeologist Schnabel those quoted from the observation diary of Sippar astronomical school that was excavated in 1925. Of Germany) would have been of the three-month journey. Herod new king called Bible scholars know the prophecy of the born in Bethlehem. Is referred to as a go to Bethlehem to Dr. that came from the east, he said that case reporting Once find. In fact, the star is all over the world of the phenomenon recorded in the phenomenon called "Sogo" that Saturn and Jupiter is abnormally close. December 4 three times in front of the line towards the Bethlehem the star appeared. They led to the star say the Bible, so that meet the Savior. Time BC7-nen. House of Augustus stars in Rome, star signs of prosperity and Jupiter, and is highly celebrated as when the Saturn became one. The species to celebrate, such as the child Tiberius is a big victory in the battle was not shortage. Kateriusu of Alexandria is interpreted as Venus and wooden Sogo in Egypt, it referred to the inscription to worship God Isis of Venus. It remains in the now. At the time, the whole world saw what David star of tillers, the birth of the world's Savior Jesus Christ was the Akahoshi of the morning glow that shines brilliantly to proclaim it to all the fellows on the ground in astronomical. Babylonian captivity to bring major changes to Israel after, as a world religion, and also was an important period in which the intent was woven of God such immense as prophets with a view of the world. In it, was Moi us that through the Jewish Messiah faith as this astronomers. Word of God was scattered in the world to border the time. By the way, Herod the Great, which celebrated its doctors is not a Jew. By multiplying the decline of Makabeya house, it is a Idomaya who inherit the blood of the descendants of Ishmael layers that took the government received the appointment from Rome. Jewish blood he had a wife from the Hasumon who have wanted. It has revived the Great Temple because it is respected by the people. However, it is that every day, went to kill the Jews in the regime. Minoke also is a man Raising. Finally fear the revival of Hasumon house, I have my wife, I killed even his own sons-catching Jewish blood at the end. Now, just when it was relieved and he perished all Jewish blood, Dr. east is, came with the new Jewish king was born. God's plan it is always completed. What kind of person is, no matter what interference, celestial bodies to ensure ticking so, it always carried out correctly. The grace of this God to be poured into the people in all were confirmed to clearly intended to look up God, it on top of the also known unexpected person has been poured equally well. To those who are successful also, to those who have failed also, the wealthy who also, the poor also, to those who are hated also, to those who are loved, even in a healthy person, the disease also persons, even in young people suffering from employment, even in the late elderly, also a police officer, even criminals, to those who are holding up desperately the store you are over collapse also to those who are prosperous also , also to young people that must be welcomed Eve alone, the grace to everyone in the world also to those who party invitation has come as the mountain is poured. Today, raising the cry embrace the relief of ambition of the world, pristine and peeping the baby of your face, the moment to make wielded happy chest like well up God will he been trying to invite you. ☆ Christmas message Christchurch TAMAGAWA Kawarasei-shi representative pastor ☆ of sunrise Akahoshi. Luke Chapter 2 capital of the Sumerian first dynasty is Ur. That the graduates Abraham God let up at the stars, your offspring it will be many more that can not be counting as of that star people. Then, the ground of all things be blessed by you. And I was saying. It is a region with an edge to the star. In fact, astronomy developed in this land. Scholars was calculated one year and 365 days 6 hours 11 minutes. It is a sophisticated calendar that not different only Gregorian calendar and 4 minutes it is now. Can Sippar astronomy school in Babylon after the Sumerian dynasty, observation diary is written in the clay board. Many of the people in the Jewish people who enjoyed them like Babylon might have learned there. One day, exclusive scholars from the Babylon, an audience to Herod the Great to have a tribute to take a large number of followers, "We are about to climb the morning sun, a special star rising perpendicular to the strong horizontal line of light in May also because saw Viewed Was. October 3 on the 29th, and out of the country, it was probably said so, such as the new king of the Jews of the country was born with the greeting I came to the celebration. "he said. . (This date archaeologist Schnabel those quoted from the observation diary of Sippar astronomical school that was excavated in 1925. Of Germany) would have been a three-month journey. Herod new king called Bible scholars know the prophecy of the born in Bethlehem. Is referred to as a go to Bethlehem to Dr. that came from the east, he said that case reporting Once find. In fact, the star is all over the world of the phenomenon recorded in the phenomenon called "Sogo" that Saturn and Jupiter is abnormally close. December 4 three times in front of the line towards the Bethlehem the star appeared. They led to the star say the Bible, so that meet the Savior. Time BC7-nen. House of Augustus stars in Rome, star signs of prosperity and Jupiter, and is highly celebrated as when the Saturn became one. The species to celebrate, such as the child Tiberius is a big victory in the battle was not shortage. Kateriusu of Alexandria is interpreted as Venus and wooden Sogo in Egypt, it referred to the inscription to worship God Isis of Venus. It remains in the now. At the time, the whole world saw what David star of tillers, the birth of the world's Savior Jesus Christ was the Akahoshi of the morning glow that shines brilliantly to proclaim it to all the fellows on the ground in astronomical. Babylonian captivity to bring major changes to Israel after, as a world religion, and also was an important period in which the intent was woven of God such immense as prophets with a view of the world. In it, was Moi us that through the Jewish Messiah faith as this astronomers. Word of God was scattered in the world to border the time. By the way, Herod the Great, which celebrated its doctors is not a Jew. By multiplying the decline of Makabeya house, it is a Idomaya who inherit the blood of the descendants of Ishmael layers that took the government received the appointment from Rome. Jewish blood he had a wife from the Hasumon who have wanted. It has revived the Great Temple because it is respected by the people. However, it is that every day, went to kill the Jews in the regime. Minoke also is a man Raising. Finally fear the revival of Hasumon house, I have my wife, I killed even his own sons-catching Jewish blood at the end. Now, just when it was relieved and he perished all Jewish blood, Dr. east is, came with the new Jewish king was born. God's plan it is always completed. What kind of person is, no matter what interference, celestial bodies to ensure ticking so, it always carried out correctly. The grace of this God to be poured into the people in all were confirmed to clearly intended to look up God, it on top of the also known unexpected person has been poured equally well. To those who are successful also, to those who have failed also, the wealthy who also, the poor also, to those who are hated also, to those who are loved, even in a healthy person, the disease also persons, even in young people suffering from employment, even in the late elderly, also a police officer, even criminals, to those who are holding up desperately the store you are over collapse also to those who are prosperous also , also to young people that must be welcomed Eve alone, the grace to everyone in the world also to those who party invitation has come as the mountain is poured. Today, raising the cry embrace the relief of ambition of the world, pristine and peeping the baby of your face, the moment to make wielded happy chest like well up God will he been trying to invite you.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
☆ Christmas message TAMAGAWA tile representative pastor Masashi

☆ glow red. Chapter 2 of the first stress Luka Sumerian dynasty capital. That man in the God of Abraham looked up at the stars, let your descendants will be impossible to count the number of stars in that way. And everything on the ground, you will be blessed. And say. In the area of stars. Actually, in the development of astronomy.Scholars 365 days a year 6 hours and 11 minutes. To elaborate the Grenadines Mongolian calendar is now only four minutes to calendar. Can Babylon astronomy Sippar in Sumerian Dynasty after the observation diary written in clay. To Babylon and stayed at the Jewish people in many of the people there may be learned. At one day, at the Babylon quality from the following tribute to take many things have met Herod the great, "when we Asahi, risingIn the strong light is perpendicular to the horizontal line special rising stars on May 29. On October 3, so watch out, perhaps as a new king of the Jews in the country since the festive greetings and come. " And said. (this date. The German archaeologists excavated in 1925 Schnabel quoted from Sippar school astronomy observation diary. In the journey of three months. Herod called biblical scholars born in Bethlehem, the new king of prophecy and know.From the east to go to Bethlehem, and said, if I find and report. At the phenomenon actually at the star "congruent" near miss Saturn and Jupiter says there is a record of the phenomenon in the world. Line up in front of Bethlehem December 4, three times the star appeared. They say the Bible is guided to the stars, to meet a savior. When BC 7 years. In Rome stars at the house of Augustus, Jupiter and Saturn in the prosperity of the stars, as if greatly celebrated.The species and celebrate the victory in the battle, his son, Tiberius was lack. In Egypt and the Venus and congruent interpretation of Alexandria, カテリウス worship God Isis, Venus is described. It remains today. At that time, too, is the star of David basal shoot the whole world saw the birth of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world in the brilliant sunrise inform all sort of bright red. Babylon after having too large change in IsraelAs the world's religions and prophets, and with a view of the world that God intended to be woven into the important period. Among them, who through faith in the Jewish Messiah as astronomers. The word of God at the time all over the world. At the meanwhile, Herod the great at the Jew is not that greeted us. マカベヤ family decline, from Rome is appointed to succeed to the descendants of Ishmael ESO blood ID Maya.The Jewish blood lotus want mon from his wife. Respect for the people have restored the temple. However, the daily administration and killed the Jews. It made my hair stand on end. And finally fear de house, his wife, and his sons killed the last of the Jewish blood. This is relieved, and the blood of all the Jews perished in the eastern, and new born king of the Jews. The plan of God is to be completed.What kind of person, and any disturbance, so be sure to ensure that when the object is performed accurately. And all the people of the grace of God poured in to look up to God, and are in the knowing on the equality. To some, the success of the people who have failed, the rich and the poor, the person who hated, loved by the people in health, disease, suffering, youth employment the elderlyPolice offenders, who are desperate to hang on to a collapse in the prosperous, young people have to live alone in the mountains of party invitations to come in person all of the world upon his grace. Today, at the light to be the salvation of the world, and a baby's face and looked into the moment, such as heart attack to make God happy to invite you to.

The Christmas message on behalf of the pastor Masashi Christchurch TAMAGAWA tile - morning glow red. The first chapter 2 Luka Sumerian dynasty capital. That man in the God of Abraham looked up at the stars, let your descendants will be impossible to count the number of stars in that way. And everything on the ground, you will be blessed. And say. In the area of stars. Actually, in the development of astronomy.Scholars 365 days a year 6 hours and 11 minutes. To elaborate the Grenadines Mongolian calendar is now only four minutes to calendar. Can Babylon astronomy Sippar in Sumerian Dynasty after the observation diary written in clay. In Babylon and stayed at the Jewish people in many of the people there may be learned. One day, Babylon quality from the following tribute to take many things have met Herod the great, "when we Asahi, risingIn the strong light is perpendicular to the horizontal line special rising stars on May 29. On October 3, so watch out, perhaps as a new king of the Jews in the country since the festive greetings and come. " And said. (this date. The German archaeologists excavated in 1925 Schnabel quoted from Sippar school astronomy observation diary. Travel in three months. Herod called biblical scholars born in Bethlehem, the new king of prophecy and know.From the east to go to Bethlehem, and said, if I find and report. Actually the star phenomenon "congruent" near miss Saturn and Jupiter says there is a record of the phenomenon in the world. Line up in front of Bethlehem December 4, three times the star appeared. They say the Bible is guided to the stars, to meet a savior. When BC 7 years. In Rome star of Augustus, Jupiter and Saturn in the prosperity of the stars, as if greatly celebrated.The species and celebrate the victory in the battle, his son, Tiberius was lack. In Egypt the interpretation and Venus and congruence of Alexandria, カテリウス worship God Isis, Venus is described. It remains today. At that time, the star of David, which is the basal shoot the whole world is watching the birth of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world, in the glorious sunrise inform all sort of bright red. Babylon captivity to bring about great change in Israel after theAs the world's religions and prophets, and with a view of the world that God intended to be woven into the important period. Among them, who through faith in the Jewish Messiah as astronomers. The word of God at the time all over the world. By the way, Herod the great Jews not that greeted us. マカベヤ family decline, from Rome is appointed to succeed to the descendants of Ishmael ESO blood ID Maya.The Jewish blood lotus want mon from his wife. Respect for the people have restored the temple. However, the daily administration and killed the Jews. It made my hair stand on end. And finally fear de house, his wife, and his sons killed the last of the Jewish blood. This is relieved, and the blood of all the Jews perished in the eastern, and new born king of the Jews. The plan of God is always completed.What kind of person, and any disturbance, so be sure to ensure that when the object is performed accurately. The people poured all the grace of God to look up to God, and are in the knowing on the equality. As a successful person who has failed, the rich and the poor, the person who hated, loved by the people in health, disease, youth employment, in the late the elderlyPolice offenders, who are desperate to hang on to a collapse in the prosperous, young people have to live alone in the mountains of party invitations to come in person all of the world upon his grace. Today, be born to be the salvation of the world, and a baby's face and looked into the moment, such as heart attack to make God happy to invite you to.
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