イタリア5年債入札では30億ユーロを調達した。平均利回りは2.71%と、10月の2.89%を下回った。応札倍率は1.3倍で、前回の1.7倍か翻訳 - イタリア5年債入札では30億ユーロを調達した。平均利回りは2.71%と、10月の2.89%を下回った。応札倍率は1.3倍で、前回の1.7倍か英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I have raised three billion euros in five-year bonds bid Italy. I was less than average yield and 2.71%, 2.89% of the October. Bid-to-cover ratio at 1.3 times, I was reduced from 1.7 times the previous.

'10 Bonds bid Italy has raised € 2.5 billion. Average yield 4.11%, which is below the level of the market, but higher than the 4.01% that put in a bid of the same this month, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) has made before deciding a reduction in the relaxation scale were. Bid-to-cover ratio at 1.3 times,I was reduced from 1.5 times the last time.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Italy 5-year bond auction raised 3 billion euros. The average yield was 2. 71% And that October 2. 89 Percent fell below. -Cover ratio was 1. Three times in one last time. Decreased from seven times.

Italy 10-year bond auction raised 2500000000 euros. The average yield was 4. 11% And 4 turned in similar bids before deciding on relaxation scaling back U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) earlier this month, but below the level of the market. 01 Percent. -Cover ratio was 1. In the three times,One last time. Decreased from five times.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I raised 3 billion euros by the bonds bid for Italian five years. The average yield was less than 2.71% and 2.89% of October. The bid magnification fell from last 1.7 times at 1.3 times.

The bonds bid raised 2,500 million euros for Italian ten years. The average yield was less than 4.11% and the standard of the market, but exceeded 4.01% that was able to be available by similar bid that I performed before Federal Reserve Board (FRB) decided the reduction of the mild scale in this month. Bid magnification is 1.3 times,It fell from last 1.5 times.
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