世界平和は戦争がある為に平和にはなれないのであります。第二次世界大戦は一次大戦の五倍の犠牲者を出しております。この戦争は日米の権益争いによっ翻訳 - 世界平和は戦争がある為に平和にはなれないのであります。第二次世界大戦は一次大戦の五倍の犠牲者を出しております。この戦争は日米の権益争いによっ英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Must not become peace for world peace is war. No. 2We had 5 times of war victims following World War II. This war wasIn what caused U.S. interest in the fight. Against the worldIn a u. s.-Japan with perpetrators of 5 x compared to other countries. This war wasIs happening in the Millennium. Now over 70 years after the war, the world isIt is not peace. Syria civil war a civil war involving the rights and interests of the oil andWill. On an extension of the second world war is you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
World peace is there than not be a peace for which there is a war. Second
World War has been out five times the victims of the World War. This war
it is those that happened by Japan and the United States of interests conflict. World Nitaishimashite is
you are in the US-Japan are both five times the perpetrator compared to other countries. This war
will be at the events of the thousand-year period. Also it should be noted that the world is now past the post-war seventy years
there is no peace. Syria civil war is a civil war that involved the interests of oil
you. Masu deli of an extension of the Second World War.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
World peace is not to be at peace because of the war. The secondFive times as high as that of the first world war victims of World War II. This warIt is caused by a conflict of interests between Japan and the United States. He has been to the worldThere are five times the assailant in other countries than Japan. This warA thousand years of that unit. The world is now in the past seven years after tenThere is no peace. There Syria civil war involving the oil interests in Civil War. It is on the extension line of the Second World War.
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