Aylan Kurduの体の硬直が進んでいる。トルコの兵隊に抱かれて、木の堅そうなベッドの置かれたときあの海岸で発見されたあの形のままだ。兵翻訳 - Aylan Kurduの体の硬直が進んでいる。トルコの兵隊に抱かれて、木の堅そうなベッドの置かれたときあの海岸で発見されたあの形のままだ。兵英語言う方法

Aylan Kurduの体の硬直が進んでいる。トルコの兵隊に抱かれて、

Aylan Kurduの体の硬直が進んでいる。トルコの兵隊に抱かれて、木の堅そうなベッドの置かれたとき

Poor,Aylan Kurdu ‼
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Aylan Kurdu body rigidity is progressing. When the bed embraced by soldiers of Turkey, so a hardwood treeOut of that form was found in the coast. Even when surrounded by soldiers and in his left hand and not a straight upWas stiff. I wonder if that this unfortunate child. Exposed to the eyes of curious people around the world.Poor, Aylan Kurdu!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Rigidity of Aylan Kurdu of the body is progressing. It is nestled in the Turkish soldier, when it is placed in a hard likely bed of wood
I remain of that form that has been discovered in that coast. Without the limp his left hand, even when it was embraced by the soldier, straight
it had been stiff. I wonder if there are such unfortunate child. Is exposed to the curiosity of the eyes of people around the world ....... Poor, Aylan Kurdu!

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The rigidity of Aylan Kurdu body. In the Turkish soldiers, while those of hard wood bed is found at that time at the seashore. Don't loll out his left hand held when the soldiers at the stiff, straight. This is an unhappy child. .......

Poor, curiosity and exposed to the eyes of people around the world Aylan Kurdu ‼
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