全米住宅価格指数(U.S. National Home Price Index)全米の9つの調査区域(ニューイングランド、パシフィック、ミド翻訳 - 全米住宅価格指数(U.S. National Home Price Index)全米の9つの調査区域(ニューイングランド、パシフィック、ミド英語言う方法

全米住宅価格指数(U.S. National Home Price I

全米住宅価格指数(U.S. National Home Price Index)

10大都市圏指数(10-City Composite)

20大都市圏指数(20-City Composite)
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
(New England, Pacific, Middle Atlantic, South Atlantic, Mountain, East North Central, West North Central, East South Census District of nine U.S. housing price index (us national home price index)
National- In Central Composite Index, in West South Central), quarterly basis and ( month).

10 metropolitan areas index (10-city composite)
Boston,From index of 10 metropolitan areas Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Washington calculated and published (monthly). In addition, in this index, because the futures market exists, by looking at the futures price, it can be seen how the market or are expected to house prices in the future.

In 10 major metropolitan areas 20 metropolitan areas of the index (20-city composite)
above, Atlanta, Charlotte, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit,From index of 20 metropolitan areas plus Minneapolis, Phoenix, Portland, Seattle, Tampa calculated and published (monthly).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
National House price index (U. S. National Home Price Index)
index in nine across the survey area (New England, Pacific, Middle Atlantic, South Atlantic, mountain, East North Central, West North Central, East South Central, West South Central), calculated on a quarterly basis and published (2・5,-8・11).

Big 10 metropolitan index ( Composite City )
Boston,From Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Diego, San Francisco and Washington's 10 metropolitan index calculation and publication (monthly). Is know for this index in futures markets, futures prices to see the market anticipated how future housing prices.

20 Large metropolitan index ( City Composite )
above 10 to major metropolitan areas, Atlanta, Charlotte, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit,From the 20 metropolitan Minneapolis, Phoenix, Portland, Seattle, Tampa, plus index calculation and publication (monthly).
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
With Composite Index in the investigation area (New England, Pacific, middle Atlantic, south Atlantic, a mountain, the yeast north Central League, the waist north Central League, the yeast south Central League, the waist south Central League) of nine of the U.S. house price index (U.S.NationalHomePriceIndex)
United States, I calculate it every quarter and announce it ( moon).

10 metropolis index (10-CityComposite)
Boston,I calculate it from Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, the index of 10 metropolises of Washington and announce it (every month). In addition, this index understands how a market expects a future house price by watching a futures price in order that there is forward market.

In 10 metropolises of 20 metropolis index (20-CityComposite)
above, it is Atlanta, Charlotte, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit,I calculate it from the index of 20 metropolises that increased Minneapolis, phoenix, Portland, Seattle, Tampa and announce it (every month).
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