現代の世紀は戦争の歴史であります。キリストの世紀は人間の世紀であります。物質文明の世紀であります。物質と言う欲望の世界であります。この欲の奪翻訳 - 現代の世紀は戦争の歴史であります。キリストの世紀は人間の世紀であります。物質文明の世紀であります。物質と言う欲望の世界であります。この欲の奪英語言う方法


の世紀であります。物質と言う欲望の世界であります。この欲の奪い合い に依って戦争が
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Modern century in the history of the war. Christian century is the century of human. Material civilizationOf the century. In desire and material world. Depending on the compete for this desire is warIs induced. In the three-dimensional world. In handling the material world. MaterialMetaphysics are not treated the spirit world, the war there is constant in the three-dimensional than the current centuryIn May.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Modern of the century there in the history of war. Christ of the century will be the man of century. Material civilization
will be the century of. There are in the world of desire to say that substance. War, depending on the scramble for this greed
you have of being elicited. There is a three-dimensional world. There are in the world to deal with the substance. Substance
metaphysical of the world that does not deal with the spirit world, other than, war in the current three-dimensional century unceasing
you are than.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Modern century is the history of the war. In the 21st century is the century of human beings. Material civilizationIn the 21st century. In the world of desire and material. In this war there is determined by greedThere are induced. In the three-dimensional world. There are in the world to handle the matter. MaterialTo deal with the metaphysical world, mental world, but not in the present century never-ending wars 3DThere are.
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