今朝、通勤途中の公園にTaehyungにそっくりの赤ちゃんがその子のママとお散歩してて、側に笑顔で走ってきたから、私はその赤ちゃんを抱っこさ翻訳 - 今朝、通勤途中の公園にTaehyungにそっくりの赤ちゃんがその子のママとお散歩してて、側に笑顔で走ってきたから、私はその赤ちゃんを抱っこさ英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
This morning commute Park Taehyung on lifelike baby and the child's mother for a walk and ran up to the side with a smile from I had to hug the baby. Came here from Indonesia, and talk our with. Hug when remembering my brother.Also we have for a while been hug from Shii you.12/5, my brother passed away, every year, to the grave returns home.To live, instead of my sister and I went to BTS live 28, the birthday of my sister, but my mother. Met a Kook! Well, Tae Kook even better three years ago and grew up nicely! And a great song good and was impressed by his sister and mother live. Thank you very much.My brother! You are alive, I'm sure I KooK to be handsome!And right now, I'm working is your job really.Ah Ah ~ why? Premature death! I had to rely on you.I retired early, so you want to go and take over the youngest brother is wanted. My brother! Alive if you can, come back!Then, I wonder if I can fall in love? Well done is!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This morning, just like the baby to Taehyung to commute the middle of the park is not your walk and the mom of the child, because I came running with a smile on the side, I've been allowed to hug the baby. I was talking to came emigrated from Indonesia. Recall brother when you hug.
For a while was Morai is much to hug.
December 5, the day that my brother died, every year, go home to your grave.
My mother in my place and my sister to Live is, went to live in the BTS to the 28 days of my sister's birthday. To meet Kook! Well, Tae also Kook also nice become a pretty adult than three years ago! And, even my mother was also impressed by the live sister and great song is good. Thank you very much.
Brother! When you were alive, I'm sure, like a KooK handsome!
And, now, I work that is I am really your job.
Oh Oh - why? Dead soon! I was counting on you.
Because I want to go to the daughter-in-law and soon retired, and took over the youngest brother, I want to slowly. Brother! Come back If you live can!
And then, I wonder if I can love? ? Hahaha!

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This morning, on the way to work in the park Taehyung like a baby and his mother walk, because a smile on the run, I had to hold the baby. Come Indonesia was moved from the story. Remember when my brother to come into my arms.While I have a cold and much more.December 5, every day, my brother died, to go home to visit.In Live my sister for me, my mother, my sister's birthday on the BTS went live. To see Kook! Well, if Tae Kook three years ago and has become an adult, nice! Then, a good sister, great song, mother was moved to live. Thank you very much.My little brother! If you live like KooK handsome!And now I work, you work really is.Oh oh why? Dead! I was counting on you.Because I want to go to retire early, most married over his younger brother, I want to relax. My little brother! If you can come back alive!Then, I wonder if I can love? Ha-ha!
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