長野県内で悲惨な交通死亡事故が連続して発生しており、交通死亡事故多発警報が発令されました。 道路の通行にあたっては常に安全を意識し、以下の点翻訳 - 長野県内で悲惨な交通死亡事故が連続して発生しており、交通死亡事故多発警報が発令されました。 道路の通行にあたっては常に安全を意識し、以下の点英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Consecutive disastrous traffic accidents in Nagano Prefecture and raised, traffic fatality accident case alarm was issued. Road traffic is constantly and safety, please note the following points.-Note pedestrian dog wearing reflective material when going out at night, to cross the road when vehicular traffic.And careful as not to overspeed drivers and upward lighting principles headlights during night-time driving.-Fatal traffic accidents occur, becomes a party of elderly drivers and pedestrians proportion is higher. Thank you family and Community cooperation. I don't know when traffic accidents occur. Irreparable tragic accident to prevent the efforts of each and every thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Nagano tragic fatal traffic accident is has occurred continuously in the prefecture, fatal traffic accident warning has been issued.
Traffic always conscious of safety When the road, please note the following points.
- Pedestrian, at the time of going out at night and wearing a reflective material, when you cross the road Let's attention to the passage of the vehicle.
Driver, during night driving and upward turn on the principle headlights, be careful so as not to overspeed.
· Multiple to fatal traffic accidents, the percentage of elderly drivers and pedestrians is a party is high. Thank you for your cooperation of family and community.
Fatal traffic accident does not know when to occur.
In order to prevent a tragic accident irreparable, thank you the efforts of each individual.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In Nagano Prefecture, tragic fatal traffic accidents occur continuously, and issued a warning to death traffic accidents occur frequently.In the road traffic safety consciousness, as always, please note the following.The pedestrian, when going out at night with a reflecting member, be careful to vehicular traffic when you cross the road.The driver turned upward, and the principle of the headlight is running at night, be careful not to exceed the speed.The traffic accident occurred, the death of elderly drivers and pedestrians and ratio becomes higher. I ask for your cooperation of family and community.I don't know when death traffic accidents occur.In order to prevent the disastrous accident, his efforts to please everyone.
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