欧州通貨の強い地合いは継続、ユーロドルは上値のストップロスを巻き込み年初来高値を更新して一時1.3893付近まで急伸。ユーロ円も145円69翻訳 - 欧州通貨の強い地合いは継続、ユーロドルは上値のストップロスを巻き込み年初来高値を更新して一時1.3893付近まで急伸。ユーロ円も145円69英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Formation of a strong European currency continues, the euro-dollar surged to 1.3893 near one o'clock to update the year-to-date high entrainment stop loss of upside. Euro yen to 145 yen 69 sen vicinity, large increases pound yen repaint the high price to 173 yen 93 sen near. Dollar-yen rebounded to 104 yen 90 sen rise of around one o'clock cross circle spread. I also lowered the value to 48 yen temporary first half against the yen selling Turkish Lira from the political uncertainty continues.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Continued strong rates of European currencies, involving the loss of upside the Eurodollar YTD update highs and volumes surged to 1.3893 near temp. Euro-Yen also 145 Yen to 69 Sen until near the pound Yen also 173 Yen shattered the highs until near the rose. The dollar/Yen cross-Yen rise to the temporary rebounded to near 104 yen. Also, try selling from the unrest continues and versus the yen in temporary 48 Yen until the first half lowered the value.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Continuation, the euro dollar roll up the stop loss of the higher level of price, and the strong contexture of the European currency updates the year's high price; and at one timeIt is 急伸 to the neighborhood of 1.3893. The pound yen establishes a high price anew to the neighborhood of 173 yen 93 sen, too, and the Euro yen rises largely to the neighborhood of 145 yen 69 sen, too. A rise of the cross yen spread, and the dollar yen repelled the 104 yen 90 sen neighborhood at one time. In addition, Turkey lira selling out of political situation uneasiness continued and lowered the value for the anti-yen at one time until the 48 yen first half.
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