はじめまして!よろしくお願い致します。トランプ氏の日本の米軍の駐留費を全部日本持ち、そうでなかったら 米軍を引き揚げると言う案に大賛成であり翻訳 - はじめまして!よろしくお願い致します。トランプ氏の日本の米軍の駐留費を全部日本持ち、そうでなかったら 米軍を引き揚げると言う案に大賛成であり英語言う方法


日本持ち、そうでなかったら 米軍を引き揚げると言う案に大賛成であります。現世
戻ってくる位であります。アメリカの軍事費も45%の2000兆ドルであります。 人間
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Nice to meet you! Thank you. Trump Japan's military garrison expenses, totalJapan should agree to withdraw U.S. troops have, if not say. This worldThe Golden language 6-dimensional century can only in self-defense in enough. TurnpikeCome back in there. 45% $2000000000000000 in U.S. military spending. HumanOf can Golden multilingual 6-dimensional century or early American life suddenly rich.You are in.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Nice to meet you! Thank you for your attention. Trump said of the US military presence cost the whole of Japan
Japan retention, there are a large favor the proposal to say withdraw US troops if not. This world
you are only in a sufficiently Self-Defense Forces if Kaware golden multilingual six-dimensional century from century. Our fishing
will be a place to come back. Military expenditure of the United States is also available in 45 percent of the 2000 trillion dollars. Human
of American life is the name in a stretch rich if Kaware from the century to the golden multilingual six-dimensional century
you are in Ru.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Nice to meet you! Thank you for. S of the whole cost of US forces in JapanThe Japanese have to say if you don"t plan to raise the U.S. military is also large. In this worldFrom there, only the golden multilingual six dimensions in the century 替われ self-defense. The change thatLocated at the back. The American military expenses at $45 trillion of 2000. HumanGolden Century multilingual six dimensions of the 替われ American life in a richYou are the.
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