学校も今日から始まるのですね?!貴方はお母さんと2人で大切な時間を愉しんでください。日頃の忙しさや面倒なことを全て忘れてのんびりしてください翻訳 - 学校も今日から始まるのですね?!貴方はお母さんと2人で大切な時間を愉しんでください。日頃の忙しさや面倒なことを全て忘れてのんびりしてください英語言う方法







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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
School too I start from today? !
You Nde Please enjoy the precious time two people and mother.
Please be relaxed to forget all the hassle and busyness of everyday life.

I can, Saturday the 4th was the work started.

And go out to the end of the year from Izu, I ate a lot of noodles and sushi.
I was a little overweight because of that.
I think I would like to start a diet in earnest in preparation for surfing this year.
However, Tokyo is too cold.

There are Kurisuchinu always in my heart.

I wish as there is a God bless to you and your family.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
School begins today, right?
Is your MOM and two precious time pleasure should enjoy.
Forget the busyness of everyday life and that all the laid back.

I was started work four days on Saturday.

Went to Izu from the end of the year, I ate a lot of sushi and soba noodles.
I'm getting because of that I was a little fat.
I in preparation for this year's surfing in earnest on a diet I want to start.
However, Tokyo is too cold.

Always in my heart Christine.

To you and your family God Please bless good luck.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Does the school begin on today, too?
You please enjoy important time with two people with mother.
Please take it easy without all the everyday business and the troublesome things.

As for me, it was the work beginning Saturday of 4th.

I went to Izu from the end of the year and ate a lot of sushi and soba.
I gained weight because of the result a little.
I want to begin a diet for the surfing of this year in earnest.
However, Tokyo is too cold.

There is always クリスチーヌ in my heart.

May the grace of God be with you I pray your and your family.

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