Senkaku Islands during the day is about the conflict (Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture), Japan-US joint statement was stated that the United States to apply the US-Japan Security Treaty. for Japan and the United States continued to negotiate last-minute Concerning TPP, announced significantly delayed from the 24th plan, Japan starting just before the U.S. President Barack Obama until he postponed.
Statement, expressed "including the Senkaku Islands, commitment (involvement) based on the Japan-US Security Treaty of the United States extends to all areas in the administration of Japan under" he said. In addition, also touched on the setting of the air defense identification zone by the Chinese, was "Japan and the United States share a strong concern about the recent actions to increase the tension in the East China Sea and South China Sea" he said. I wrote, "Japan and the United States to oppose any attempt to claim rights to territory and marine intimidation, coercion, by the force" also.
For the right to collective self-defense Abe administration aims to tolerate exercise, it was stated, "We welcome the fact that Japan has examined the right to collective self-defense exercise, the United States to support" he said.