Indonesia to accelerate infrastructure development, which has been an issue for many years. Government has announced to implement development projects totaling 5500 trillion rupiah (about 51 trillion 700 billion yen) in the five years of the 2015-19 years. '13, Raising the '14 and growth rate was only five percent to seven percent, it's purpose is put economic growth on track. Such as was reported local paper Jakarta Post.
. Breakdown of business budget power sector 20%, marine sector 18%, road sector has become a 16%, or less, housing, oil and gas fields each 10%, the water sector is 8%, the railway sector such as 6% and I followed. For business financing, government (including local government) is 50%, state-owned enterprises contributed 19.3%, and that to raise the rest of the 30.7% from the private sector. . This year it is planning the first year, Djoko government embarked on such subsidy reform abort the gasoline subsidy, which has been ongoing for more than 30 years, it was managed to a significant increase in infrastructure costs. This year's maintenance costs up and become past 281 trillion 100 billion rupiah of increase over the previous year 66.3%, and is expected to reach to 11 times 10 years ago. . In addition, the government conducted a capital injection of 48 trillion rupiah that becomes the last year of nine times or more with respect to the 35 companies state-owned enterprises, in addition to to support the infrastructure development plan, private investment and promote the investment environment improvement, such as simplification of procedures I aim to expand. . According to the country's Investment Coordinating Agency, the direct investment of last year's run-based 463 trillion 100 billion rupiah, an increase of 16.2% year-on-year. Was higher than the 456 trillion 600 billion rupiah of government goal, but the growth rate was slowed from about 30% in the previous year. Government is seen as essential to re-acceleration of investment inflows also for procurement of huge infrastructure costs that becomes the future need, this year is showing a willingness to achieve an increase of 20 percent year-on-year. . According to the development plan, the government in the future, 30,000 and 5,000 kilowatts of power generation capacity, we transferred to run the port new, large-scale planning, such as expansion of the highway network of 24. Also, I have a rush well as irrigation (irrigation) Development for food self-sufficiency ratio improvement. . On the other hand, still also go up the voice of a challenge remains for the implementation of development projects. Experts in the financial sector, with gross domestic product ratio is 40% of the money supply (money supply), including the deposit with the Indonesian domestic cash, Malaysia (142%), Singapore (133%), the Philippines (59%) and It is pointed out such that it is low compared. The financial system reform was pointed out that it is also necessary in order to facilitate the future of funding. . In addition, Japanese companies also coal-fired power plant construction projects of the participating central slam State and followed by a postponement in the opposite residents, land acquisition problems are also still remain, I have seen to the left and right the whereabouts of infrastructure development. In maintenance carried out Moritate the economy, or the high-growth can be realized. Is it likely to continue scene to be questioned ability of Djoko president. (Singapore Branch)