独ZEW景況感指数が発表される。予想は64.0と予想通りの数字が出ると2006年以来となる高水準が見込まれている。ユーロは3月に予定されるユ翻訳 - 独ZEW景況感指数が発表される。予想は64.0と予想通りの数字が出ると2006年以来となる高水準が見込まれている。ユーロは3月に予定されるユ英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Germany zew business confidence index will be released. Forecast is expected to be high level to be 2006 since the numbers of expected and 64.0 comes out. There is also a concern to such stress tests of euro area financial institutions, which is scheduled for March Euro, situation heavy head is continuing, but the German economic recovery is expected to come in full swing in response to the results or outcome as a result of this , also possible that the movement of the repurchase is strengthened.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
German ZEW confidence index is released. High level since 2006 and forecast a 64.0 and expected numbers come in and are expected. Might exert U.S. and come into full swing in German economic recovery expectations due to the results of this euro concern, such as stress tests of eurozone financial institutions is scheduled for March, has been under heavy head.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
A German ZEW business perception index is announced. The high level where it is since 2006 when 64.0 and an expected number are over the expectation is anticipated. When, as for the euro, there is the concern to the stress tests to the euro area financial institution planned in March, and the heavy situation of the head continues, but receive this results, and German economic recovery expectation gets into full swing; as for the possibility to show a stronger movement of the covering.
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