海外ミネラルウオーターOEM取引海外ミネラルウォーターを委託者のブランドで製品を生産販売(OEM製造)し、取引を行うサービスです。  当ミネ翻訳 - 海外ミネラルウオーターOEM取引海外ミネラルウォーターを委託者のブランドで製品を生産販売(OEM製造)し、取引を行うサービスです。  当ミネ英語言う方法





世界的ブランドウォーターのメーカーと直接契約により、クライアント様が指定するOEM オリジナルブランドのラベル印刷で希望国の港までコンテナ輸出を行います。

当方の関係者側で米国、カナダ、シンガポールのTOP ブランドのミネラルウォーターメーカーと業務提携しながら輸出代理権を保有し、フレキシブルな価格でコンテナ輸送手配、LC 取引などパッケージ体制が可能です。

オリジナルブランド名とデザインでOEM製造可能な500ml のボトルウォーターの年間契約により、年間1000 万本以上の受注体制を完備しているため、映画キャンペーン、イベント販促プロモーション、スポーツチームなどのノベルティ媒体として活用しながらオリジナルブランドとして商品化が実現出来ます。



業界初の試みであるメーカー工場からクライアントが指定する国内の場所までOEM ブランドのラベルをつけて、コンテナ輸出、通関手続き、国内配送までをワンストップでオーダーが出来ます。


スポンサー名、ロゴ入りのボトルウォーターをメーカー工場から輸出配送、無料配布するタイアップ提携企画営業が可能。サッカーリーグ、プロ野球などのスポーツチームブランド、映画会社キャンペーンなどの各種提携企画の営業も対応しており、買い手クライアント様には、OEM 供給とサンプル提供が可能です。
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Overseas mineral OEM dealIs bottled water overseas under the consumer brand products production and sales (OEM) and the trading service. Become a California water softener characterizes our bottled water products, no radiation problem, it's safe for baby milk powder, use bottled water. Manufacturers world-wide brand water directly through contract, client brand OEM original to specify the label printing does the container export port of the desired country. While US officials on bottled water manufacturers TOP brand in the United States, Canada, Singapore and Alliance with export power of Attorney, and container transport arrangements, LC trading package system is available in a flexible price. For the original brand name and design are equipped with acceptance more than 10 million years by annual contracts for bottled water 500 ml possible OEM production, while leveraging as a novelty medium, such as film campaigns, promotional events, sports teams achieved commercialization as the original brand. ホテル、航空会社、プロスポーツチームなどの企業団体ユーザーにコネクションがある方や兼業規模の経営者の方に最適であり、購入希望者、取扱い業者、大型スーパー流通ルートなどの、直接購買者の方はぜひご利用下さい。 新規大口取引先の開拓にも対応させていただきます。 業界初の試みであるメーカー工場からクライアントが指定する国内の場所までOEM ブランドのラベルをつけて、コンテナ輸出、通関手続き、国内配送までをワンストップでオーダーが出来ます。 各種広告協賛スポンサー名ブランドでも自由自在にオーダー出来、キャンペーンやイベント用にノベルティとして無料配布する方法がありますので広報プロモーションにも最適です。 スポンサー名、ロゴ入りのボトルウォーターをメーカー工場から輸出配送、無料配布するタイアップ提携企画営業が可能。サッカーリーグ、プロ野球などのスポーツチームブランド、映画会社キャンペーンなどの各種提携企画の営業も対応しており、買い手クライアント様には、OEM 供給とサンプル提供が可能です。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Overseas mineral water OEM trade production and sales of the product in the consignment's brand overseas mineral water to (OEM production), it is a service to perform the transaction. As a feature of this mineral water product, there is no radiation problem, it has become a California soft water mineral water that can be used with confidence in baby milk powder. The global brand water manufacturers and direct contract, make the container export to the port of hope countries in the label printing of OEM original brand clients like to specify. The United States in our relationship's side, Canada, while mineral water manufacturers and business alliance of the Singapore of the TOP brand owned export agency, container transport arrangements in a flexible price, you can package system such as the LC transaction. The original brand name and OEM manufacturing possible 500ml bottled water of the annual contract of design, because it is equipped with annual 10 million or more orders system, utilizing movie campaigns, event marketing promotion, as a novelty medium, such as a sports team commercialization it can be achieved as the original brand while. Hotels, airlines, is ideal for those of the people that there is industry association connection to users, such as professional sports teams and part-time scale of management, buyers, dealers, such as a large supermarket distribution route, towards the direct purchaser Please use by all means. It will also correspond to the development of new large customer. From the industry's first manufacturer is an attempt to domestic location specified by the client with a OEM brand label, container export, customs procedures, you can order up to domestic delivery in one-stop. Various advertising sponsorship can sponsor name brand order freely in, making it ideal for public relations promotion because there is a way to free distribution as a novelty for campaigns and events. Sponsor name, export the logo of bottled water from the manufacturer factory delivery, tie-up alliance planning business is possible to free distribution. Football League, sports team brands such as professional baseball, also sales of various alliance planning such as a movie company campaign is compatible, to the buyer client like, you can OEM supply and sample provided.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Overseas mineral water stress OEM deals overseas mineral water brand products to customers in the production, sales, service OEM) is carried out. As the features of the products of mineral water at the radiation problem of baby milk powder as a California water, mineral water can be used. And at the global brand water by direct contractSpecifies the client of OEM original brand label printing to a container port of export. The United States of Canada at US officials at the side, while the business tie-up with mineral water and Singapore reserves the right TOP brand export agency, container transport arrangements and flexible package, such as LC trading system. More than 500 ml of bottled water can be OEM annual contract manufacturing and original design, brand name.Movie campaign, complete with orders system more than 10 million years, this event Promo promotional novelties, medium, such as a sports team to use and can realize the original brand. At at at hotels, airlines, it is suitable for the scale management of the subsidiary of the connection in the enterprises and users of professional sports teams such as the purchase and distribution channels, such as large, superThe direct purchase, please use it. At the new development of major customer in mind. Container export, customs clearance from the maker at the first attempt at at the industry, OEM brand labels to specify the location of the client, to the domestic delivery can order at once. But at at at various sponsor name brand advertising support can freely, orderSo how to distribute free as a novelty for promotions and events are great public relations promotion. At at at the sponsor name, Logo Maker bottled water from the plant export shipping alliance tie-up, sales planning for free distribution. Football League team sports, such as baseball, brand, which corresponds to the various forms of cooperation projects such as film company sales campaign in the client, buyer, and OEM supplied samples is provided.
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