As follows, for indications from laboratory of Indonesia application than our forests (SUCOFIND)
because there was a contact, you can answer as follows.
Please contact us and confirm to the test plants will thank you. In addition, since the display items of the label the same with all the application models, ASAA18FMTA-A / AOAA18FMTAHA as an example please refer because you answer the label as a material. (Attachment 1) ① findings: 240V of ASAA18FMTA but is OK, otherwise either the power or current value is is NG exceed more than 15% of the regulated value. Answer: input-current value pointed out SUCOFIND in the display by the performance measurement standards, safety standards (SNI IEC60335-2-40) and different measurement conditions. Attachment 1, (a)] because the SNI mark authentication is safety certification, measurement of input-current value is based on safety standards. The display based on the safety standards because it is (b), so that I am re-evaluated in here, please contact us. In SUMMARY TEST REPORT capped sent to the reference, safety display with the test results of the standard as compared to the append did therefore please check, it will be OK and are all less than 15%. [SUMMARY TEST REPORT (Correction) reference] Also, because the safety standard is requesting the display of any "input or current value," We are the only current value has been displayed. ② findings: Bahasa part of the label seems necessary corrections in English notation. (Any point or in our refrain Can you confirm?) Answer: Because I do not know pointed out places, please re-confirmation in the laboratory. (THAILAND For reference, the Indonesian was also the same as in English Gooble the translation) the nameplate with the layout of the FG Shanghai production models that were certified earlier (ASAG12JLCA / AOAG12JLCA) will vary, the content is the same. (See Annex 2) <attached> 1. Application model label sample (ASAA18FMTA-A / AOAA18FMTAHA) 2. Certified model label sample (ASAG12JLCA / AOAG12JLCA) SUMMARY TEST REPORT (Correction) more