日常業務はカテゴリーを作って内容を確認している人もいます。参考にしてください。大統領が国防省長官や財務省長官を任命するように戦争時には独自の翻訳 - 日常業務はカテゴリーを作って内容を確認している人もいます。参考にしてください。大統領が国防省長官や財務省長官を任命するように戦争時には独自の英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Daily business is to create categories and confirm your people.Please refer to.Commissioner of the Ministry of finance and the Secretary of Defense appointed by the PresidentIt is important to determine the person in charge of your own during the war.In other words, create a Secretary of Finance Ministry of contestation is also responsible for radioactivity, the Secretary responsible for the rescue of victims.And I think it's important.Example of a category♦ therapeutic Associates♦ implant removal♦ victims rescue♦ for radioactivity♦ for biological weapons♦ drug response♦ for the microwave♦ for the food♦ progress on freezing funds♦ support of regional and country-level progress♦ progress on police reform♦ progress on the reform of the army♦ indicators of dissatisfaction within the Organization♦ supply situation♦ contact situations♦ report on achievements from around the world♦ matters concerning the appointment of the Special Assistant to the President♦ review of the World Board///////////
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Day-to-day operations will Some people have confirmed the contents by creating a category.
Please refer to.
As President to appoint the Department of Defense Secretary and Treasury Secretary
is also important to decide their own responsibility at the time of war.
In other words, the child to make the Secretary in charge of the rescue of the Secretary and the victim, which is responsible for radioactivity other than the Treasury Secretary or the like
and is I think important.
Category example
■ treatment of fellow
■ removal of the implant
■ victims of rescue
■ radioactivity of the corresponding
■ biological weapons of correspondence
■ correspondence of drug
-compatible ■ microwave
■ food of the corresponding
■ progress on the financial freeze situation
■ region and the country Unit of progress for the corresponding
■ progress on the reform of the police force
progress on the reform of the military situation ■
■ situation regarding dissatisfaction within the organization
about the situation ■ goods supply
■ Contact situation
report on the achievements from all over the world ■
of ■ the President Special Assistant matters relating to the appointment such as
confirmation of the ■ world bulletin board
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Some people have made sure the content category.Please refer to it.As the president and the Secretary of defense to appoint the Treasury SecretaryIt is important to decide on its own responsibility during the war.In other words, to make a secretary in charge of victims and rescue other than the Treasury secretary is in charge of this activity, etc.I think that is important.Category: report of a case"Fellow treatmentRemoval of implant"The rescue of victimsThe radiation response"Corresponding biological weaponsThe drug responseThe microwave response ""For foodProgress on the freezing of funds "Progress on the country / region and the corresponding unitProgress on the reform of Police OrganizationProgress on the military reform "In the situation of "organization of complaintThe situation of supply / supplies"ContactReport on achievements from all over the world "Matters concerning the special assistant to the president appoints, etc. "Verification of "World BBS///////////
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