WTO(世界貿易機関)は、今後の注目点として、世界の貿易量の3分の1を占めるヨーロッパの景気の持ち直しが、カギになるとみられるが、当面は、ア翻訳 - WTO(世界貿易機関)は、今後の注目点として、世界の貿易量の3分の1を占めるヨーロッパの景気の持ち直しが、カギになるとみられるが、当面は、ア英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Seen the WTO (World Trade Organization), as the target point in the future, economic recovery of Europe
, which accounts for one-third of the volume of global trade has become a key, but for the time being, FRB of America (Federal Reserve It is considered that it is necessary to board) is, to watch the effect on the world economy when it was decided to reduce the
quantitative easing.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
WTO (World Trade Organization), Europe accounts for one-third of the volume of world trade as a point in the future,
of likely to be key to economic recovery, but for the time being, is the United States Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve Chairman
is warranted if the scale of quantitative easing global economic impact and consider.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In WTO (World Trade Organization), an improvement of the economy of European
occupying a one-third of the quantity of world trade is considered to be to a key for a future attention point, but considers it when it is necessary to watch the influence on world economy when American FRB (the Federal Reserve Board) took it off for reduction of the
quantitative easing for the time being closely.
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