にじの見える橋杉みき子 雨がやんだ。 頭上の雲が切れて、わずかな青空がのぞく。 手さげかばんを平たくして頭にのせ、学生服のズボンのすそをたく翻訳 - にじの見える橋杉みき子 雨がやんだ。 頭上の雲が切れて、わずかな青空がのぞく。 手さげかばんを平たくして頭にのせ、学生服のズボンのすそをたく英語言う方法

にじの見える橋杉みき子 雨がやんだ。 頭上の雲が切れて、わずかな青空が


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Look for the Rainbow BridgeMikiko Sugimoto It stopped raining. Above the clouds broke, take a peek just a blue sky. Watertight bag with a flat head, up skirt school uniform pants were trotted out in a hurry boy noticed for awhile it stopped raining. In was absorbed in thought. Small droplets scatters according to the progress of their wet black asphalt trail walking, if the boy is also looking like eyes. Lately, what might be, well, wrong. Results of this test was bad. Mother of extracurricular activities must stop. With close friends, I decided from falling out. Buy the CD like petty cash is not enough. Moyamoya or other tangible form is not there. Rain is that it's always on my mind. I think when more and more soaked wet or better yet, if rather fancy would be. As soon as you toward a highway crossing flashing signal. Thing, even standing on edge, the boy paused less. さっきから後ろで、小さい子供たちの声がしている。自分にもあんなころがあった、と半ばうわの空で思いながら、ぼんやり信号の変わるのを待っている少年の耳に、今までたわいもないおしゃべりだった子供たちの声が、急にはっきりした意味をもったさけびになってひびいてきた。「にじが出てるよ。」「にじだ、にじだ。」 思わず振り返って、子供たちがまっすぐに指さす空を見上げると、ああ、確かににじだ。赤、黄、緑、太いクレヨンでひと息に引いたような線が、灰色の空を鮮やかにまたいでいる。上端はおぼろに空中に消え、下はビルと森のかげに隠れて、見えているのはほんの一部分だ。 少年は、自分でも思いがけない衝動に駆られて、辺りを見回した。 ──高い所がないか、あれが全部見える所が。 あった、すぐ目の前に、国道を横切る歩道橋が。少年はためらわず、そちらへ駆けた。いつもは、階段の上り下りをめんどうがって、ついぞ利用したことのない歩道橋だったが。 Climb stairs two at a time, stand directly above the flow of traffic, and Rainbow is exactly what broke Woods and buildings, rose from directly in front of the highway. You could hold on to the railing and lean and stretch a little while, since the beginning of this gorgeous bridge end haunt at a glance. Just kids boy intent will be inferred, later followed up coming, cheers of the desire desire. Boy, bigger took a breath. Saw this before the Rainbow's come back. Children were much younger ─ ─ well, that feels like a long time ago. Boy thought, maybe now, I was born, first saw the Rainbow. Dark cars endlessly flowing. Rush my way through pursed her vanquished people, look above and below. Nobody noticed overhead events. Or noticed, also flouted. Who alone, stop and watch the drama of the sky that are not. He was feeling suddenly blessed with myself for the first time."Iwo, what's there. 」 So unstoppable swing bag friends should be called from the bottom, lean over and fell while looking here.「おうい、にじが見えるぞう。上がってこいよう。」 少年も大声で呼び返す。友達は、少年の指さす方をひと目見て、さっき少年が感じたのと同じ衝動に駆られたように走りだした。歩道の端にけつまずいて、かばんを放り出し、危うく転びかける。「早く早く。」 少年は笑いながら、体をずらして、にじを正面に見る場所を空け、友達が上ってくるのを足踏みしながら待った。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Bridge a view of the rainbow
cedar Mikiko rain stopped. Overhead clouds off, slight blue sky is excluded. Was placed on the flat to head the handbag, with raised entrusted hem of school uniform pants, the boy who was in a hurry to trot, for a while, did not notice that the rain stopped. Than is had been captivated by thinking. While walking on the sidewalk of black wet asphalt, a small splash splashing in accordance with their own walk, boy, was looking at, such as good, even if the eye. This place, everything, it is not going well. Performance during this period of test was bad. That mother, Stop it the extra-curricular activities. The acquainted had friends, I had a falling out from the little things. Spending money to buy your favorite CD is not enough. Other, Moyamoya that are not specific forms, were several. Rain, only to fall feel like is on top of his own. If you rather wet, and when more and more soaked to become, I think I would rather be refreshment. As soon as I tried to step forward into the crosswalk of the national highway, signal is flashing. Such a thing in your mind is frustrated even the boy was small foot. In the back from a little while ago, I have been of small children voice. There was Anna time to myself, and while I think in the mid-absent-minded, vaguely change of the boy's ear waiting for the signal, the voice of the children was not even talking silly until now, suddenly clear meaning It has been sounded to become to the have been shouting. "I have come up with a rainbow." "Nijida, Nijida." In thinking back, and look up at the sky children pointing at straight, oh, I certainly rainbow. Red, yellow, green, line, as drawn breath in the thick crayon, it is across the gray sky vivid. Top disappears in the air to dim, below is hidden in the shadow of the building and the forest, it's just part of being seen. The boy, in a fit of unexpected impulse myself, looked around. ── or high place is not, it is a place where there is visible all. I had, immediately in front of the eyes, the pedestrian bridge across the national highway. The boy without hesitation, it was subjected to there. Always, in troublesome wants the up and down stairs, it was a footbridge that has not been utilized Tsuizo. And up the stairs by two-stage, and stand just above the car flow, rainbow is exactly where it was interrupted in the forest and building, it has drifted up from the front of the national highway. It caught the handrail, and lean forward while stretch a little, to the end from the beginning of this gorgeous bridge, it was able to pass seen at a glance. A little while ago of the children, it seemed guessed the intention of the boy, went up over a period followed at a later time, has made ​​their own way of cheers. Boy, it was a deep breath. This before, it would have been when I saw a rainbow. The children much of childhood ── No, to feel like the previous much more. Is yourself Maybe now, whether not saw for the first time rainbow born, the boy thought. The under the eyes, car column Yuku flow incessantly. People who pursed the umbrella, do not seen below the top rush their way. Nobody, not aware of the overhead of the event. Or even noticed, I do not think anything. Who one person, be stopped, not those views to the drama of this firmament. The boy suddenly, for the first time, felt to those blessed to be his. "Throne, what to N Daa." it is called from the bottom, and lean, friends should have been at odds is, while brandishing a bag, looking up here as amazed. "Throne, rainbow can be seen elephants. Up to Come as." boy also return call in a loud voice. Friends, to see a glance who pointing at the boy, began to run to as was driven by the same impulse as the boy felt a little while ago. In Ketsumazui on the edge of the sidewalk, and he threw the bag, compromised and fell multiplying. "Early early." laughing boy, by shifting the body, leaving a place to see the rainbow in front, I waited while stepping to come up friends.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The bridge looks at the rainbow Mikiko Sugi stress the rain has stopped. At the break in the clouds overhead, and a slight blue sky. On the head of a flat bag, and the bottom of the school uniform trousers tucked up, he was in a hurry to trot, for a period of time, the rain stopped did not notice it. Is delighted by thinking about it. At the black wet asphalt pavement while walking, the boy in his history with small splash, splash, looking at the eyes do not like. AtThese days, and was not going well. The result of this was during the test. The mother, and that of extracurricular activities. With close friends, estranged from it. Love is not enough money to buy CD. In addition, the specific shape, not gloomy. Rain, feel it on my only. As more and more get wet, wet, I think it would be relieved. AtWhen taking a crosswalk on road to the signal. Even in such a small boy in the foot. In the back, while the voice of little children. I think that when I was in the clouds in the middle, the waiting signal to change the boy's ear, "don't ever talk silly children's voice was suddenly clear meaning has got to cry. There is a rainbow
「. " At"Rainbow, the rainbow." I looked back at the children look up at the sky, and straight to the point: Oh, sure of yourself. Red, yellow, green, thick crayons as a stretch in the gray sky brightly across. The upper end of the air in the dimly disappearing, hiding behind the bill and forest under a look the part. At the boy, I urge the unexpected and looked around. He is not high at the center, that is all. At theRight in front of my eyes, the pedestrian bridge across the road. Without hesitation, the boy ran to there. He always went up and down the stairs is too much, was never use the footbridge. At step 2, step by step, and ran up above the car flow, the rainbow, and building of forest gap, rising from the road. Holding on to the railing, and reach a little over the life from beginning to end of the bridge, we saw at a glance that could see him. At
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