あなたが今秋に来日した時には、会えなくて残念でした。みんな、マーニーに会いたいと思っています。ゆかりさんが不在でも、よかったら連絡を下さい。翻訳 - あなたが今秋に来日した時には、会えなくて残念でした。みんな、マーニーに会いたいと思っています。ゆかりさんが不在でも、よかったら連絡を下さい。英語言う方法









ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
When you came to Japan this fall, it was regret not being able to meet.

I believe everyone would like to meet Marnie.

Even in the absence, Yukari-san please contact when it is good.

I think who can be her interpretation other than so many, and you want to the setting, such as a social gathering.

This is also proposed, but dinner is good but, if possible, the visit to Japan of Marnie, for the lpa graduates,Idea is floated that it you think should hold advanced courses or brush up.

Since I think the visit to Japan, and has been extremely busy, I think even a short period of time is good.

Is such a plan, how do you feel?

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
When you came to Japan this fall, sorry, sorry.

I hope everyone, hope to see Marnie.

Please contact Yukari's absence, if you like.

I'd so many people can be interpreted other than her setting, such as social.

Also, but this is the proposal good dinner, but if you can, to the arrival of Marnie, LPA graduating students forBrush up or advanced courses held when you are good, and are floating ideas.

I visit are extremely busy, so I think in a short period of time.

Such a plan, how do you feel?

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
When you visited Japan in this autumn, I was sorry that I can't meet.

I think that I want to see all, a mer knee.

Even if connection is absent, give me communication if good.

Because there are many people whom I can interpret as well as her, I want to do the setting such as social gatherings.

In addition, if this is suggestion, but can do it though the dining together is good; at the time of the visit to Japan of the mer knee for an LPA graduate,An idea appears when you should have been able to hold brushing up or an advance lecture.

At the time of the visit to Japan, I think it to be good in what I think to be able to be full of the pressure in a short time.

How do you feel such a plan?

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