Thank you for booking. ?? reference number: 6821265 ?? 1 Jadrolinija reference number:... 3,307,144 ?? route 1 Dubrovnik - Bari ?? Check-in is at least 2 hours prior to departure for all passengers ?? usually, ticket if you book on the Internet will not be ticketed. ? On embarkation day, please exchange to boarding pass when you check in at each port. ? Print a confirmation email from us, please have at the time of travel. ?? Please note: booking cancellation / change has not been finalized until it reaches a confirmation email from us. Please contact us by phone directly if the itinerary is imminent. If you contact us by e-mail, there are times when it is not in time before departure. ? _____________________________________________________ ?? Route:????? Dubrovnik - Bari departure: Wednesday 08 April 2015 @ 2200 arrival: Thursday 09 April 2015 @ 0800 Passenger: 2 adult passenger 1: Mr TERUHITO MORIYA 23/08/1987 Passenger 2: ? Miss MISAKI HACHISU 31/03/1987 move means: walk type: 1 / outside deluxe cabin 2 persons (shower / toilet / TV / bar) ?? fare type: BROCHURE FARE: ?? payment amount:? JPY 43,321 _____________________________________________________ ? The change of reservation contents of the following customer mailto:? Please email us at Contact us by phone please call to +44 (0) 844 5760006. Mon-Thurs: 0800-2000, gold: 0800-1900, weekends and UK Bank Holiday: I am accepted in 0900-1800 (UK time). .?.? Please prepare a reservation reference number at hand. ? Our staff is ready to assist change procedure. ? Note: Depending on the type of ticket, in addition to AFerry fee JPY 4,000 for changes / cancellation after booking is confirmed, you may be service fees by each ship company.