<RNプライム指数の主な特徴>・浮動株調整時価総額上位1,000銘柄から構成されており、高い市場カバレッジを実現。・浮動株調整を実施すること翻訳 - <RNプライム指数の主な特徴>・浮動株調整時価総額上位1,000銘柄から構成されており、高い市場カバレッジを実現。・浮動株調整を実施すること英語言う方法






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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
[Main features for RN Prime index]

-floating shares adjusted fair market value total top 1,000 stocks, achieved high market coverage.

And consider investment possibilities by free float adjustment.

And suppress exchanging frequent stock by small fluctuations in market capitalization rebalancing band method when stocks once a year to conduct regular exchange. Suppress the negative list system, liquidity significantly, lower stock listings.

-About the merger or stock transfer temporarily discontinued traded this continuous index inclusion.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
<RNpuraimushisunoomonatokucho> It consists of 1,000 brand-float-adjusted market capitalization-level, to achieve high market coverage. - By carrying out the float adjusted to consider the potential investment. , During regular replacement of constituents to implement once year, and suppress the replacement of frequent brand by slight variations in market capitalization by the "rebalancing band method". In addition, the "negative list approach" to suppress the incorporation of stock liquidity is extremely low. · For delisting stocks temporary at the time of the share transfer and merger, and incorporated into the index continuously this.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Significant characteristics and total >

floating stock market adjustment of the main, RN prime index composed of 1000 brand, and realize high market coverage. By carrying out the adjustment and floating stocks, investment potential. At the time of the components and once in the implementation of a periodic replacement, frequent replacement of suppression by a slight fluctuation of the market capitalization by band "rebalancing". In addition, the negative list "system", a set of liquidity is very low. TooAnd when the transfer of the shares listed on the temporary abolition of the continuously in the index.
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