議事進行時の質問事項と回答状況○コメント Kohar氏 遅れている工場建設の先契約は? 設計は設計事務所で行い⇒入札で建設会社分けることが大翻訳 - 議事進行時の質問事項と回答状況○コメント Kohar氏 遅れている工場建設の先契約は? 設計は設計事務所で行い⇒入札で建設会社分けることが大英語言う方法

議事進行時の質問事項と回答状況○コメント Kohar氏 遅れている工場

○コメント Kohar氏
遅れている工場建設の先契約は? 設計は設計事務所で行い
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Meeting progress: question and answer situation○ comment Kohar The plant has been delayed to deal? Design is a design firm conduct⇒ separating construction company bidding is important. And construction companies are ranked by budget. You cannot change the construction company advanced received the introduction to basic content is the same in Japan, but it now.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Proceedings at the time of questions and answers situation
○ comments Mr. Kohar
late has been factory construction of the previous contract is ? Design is a design office in the line have
⇒ bid in the construction company worth be kicking important.
And construction company is budget by rank there is .
Japan but basically a content is same is same but , introduce a received only proceed meta construction company the now further change is not possible can .
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Questions and answers at the time of orderコメント Kohar Mr...The construction of a prior contract has been delayed? The design in the design officeIt is important to divide the bidding in construction company.And there ランク construction company budget.In Japan, the content is the same basic introduction, can not be promoted by the construction company now.
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