殺害されている芸能人達やイルミナティや権力者顔の劣化という表現が流行っていますがあれは殺害後に本人の代わりをしているだけです。本人の代わりと翻訳 - 殺害されている芸能人達やイルミナティや権力者顔の劣化という表現が流行っていますがあれは殺害後に本人の代わりをしているだけです。本人の代わりと英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Celebrities who have been killed or Illuminati powerDegradation of facial expression isOnly it has instead of himself after the killing.And instead of putting just like himself who is cheating.It is another person similar to himself.Lots of entertainment people in the face of fact, has been murdered.Civilians has been killed as well.You used the company later killed as the modus operandi of the terrorist case.In some cases to disband, or retire and it's showbiz.Be careful.///////////
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Murder that have been entertainers us and the Illuminati and authorities
face of the deterioration that representation is epidemic has Tsu, but
it is after the murder in the person of the generation just have a comparatively .
Principal of generation is comparatively himself entirely of people the location is to cheat to have .
Himself well to similar and another of people it is .
In fact, the face of the deterioration in the search was entertainer of the multi- rather than the killing have been .
Civilians also similar to the murder have been .
Of terrorist modus operandi as the killing was after the company the ulcers there is a case or to .
Entertainment industry that it is retired or dissolution in some cases or to .
Note , please .
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
As the entertainment and the Illuminati killed people and powerIn the representation of facial aging.It is only after killing instead of himself.And instead of just one person to leave.A person who is very similar to another.In fact, in the face of the deterioration has killed more people search.In the same manner as civilians killed.There are cases in which the company collapsed after terrorists killed and modus operandi.Entertainment world and it is dissolved or retired.Please note.///////////
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