ミンミン 体調はどうですか?最近、あまり良く眠れていない様子で心配しています。α波が効いて良く眠れる音楽を贈ります。お母さん見ました!あの顔翻訳 - ミンミン 体調はどうですか?最近、あまり良く眠れていない様子で心配しています。α波が効いて良く眠れる音楽を贈ります。お母さん見ました!あの顔英語言う方法

ミンミン 体調はどうですか?最近、あまり良く眠れていない様子で心配して

ミンミン 体調はどうですか?
可愛いお母さんを思い出して この曲があなたに少しでも
役に立ちますように 安心して眠ってください。
仕事が多く たまに返事が遅くなりますが忘れている訳では
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ming ill?In the State recently, so good am not worried.Alpha waves are better working and sleeping music presents.I saw my mom! Your face is that good.Remember the cute MOM, this song is a little bit youRelieved to be useful, please asleep.You are loved by everyone. Of course I can!Forgetting is sometimes slow in answering a lot of work in theYou do not. Your great flowering is getting a good night's sleepI think increasingly, opened early for the winner of the lifeIt seems to be a requirement. Not good in bed with a refreshing smile
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
What Minmin physical condition?
Recently, we are worried about how you do not sleep very well.
You gift music α wave sleep well into play.
I saw mom! Hey face will may be you.
This song is you in even a little remembering the cute mom
please asleep in peace as useful.
You are loved by everyone. Of course, I also!
Work occasionally reply lot slower, but not mean to forget
not. By get a good sleep is your great flowering
more and more, because I think that it is opened, early to bed and early to rise is the winner of life
seems to be the essential matter. Whether well sleeping refreshing smile
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
How about playing physical condition?Recently, he is worried about not sleeping very well.Alpha wave music presents better effect.I saw my mother! It is good that you face.Lovely mom to remember this song to you at allPlease rest assured that sleep is helpful.You are loved by everyone. Of course I am!The work is sometimes forget that many of the answers are in the lateThere is no. You can get a good sleep in your nice flowersMore and more, I think from the early to bed and early to rise, and the life of victoryIs essential. Refreshing sleep good smile please
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