Spring dawn But in 山ぎわ gradually brightened a little white, purplish, thin clouds over there (taste) At the summer night Of course, when the dark again, but many fireflies flew (may be) In addition, only one or two quaint flying in it If it should rain, etc At the autumn evening The setting sun shining on the mountain, so close that crows go to roost, three, four, twoFeel is keen to hurry up and flew More than that, as the letter string, looks very small, very interesting The day was set, and the sound of the wind, the sound of insects such as (to), the nameless Charm At the early morning in winter Of course, it is snowing White frost, too, very quickly when it is cold, fire, etc.With coal, corridors, etc.) is very suitable for the taking In the daytime, and (cold) and relaxing the brazier fire only in white ash, is not desirable At