ゴキブリは塩以外の人間のたいてい食物は何でも食べ、食性は腐敗したものから人糞にまで及び、当然病原菌をまき散らします。実際にゴキブリからさまざ翻訳 - ゴキブリは塩以外の人間のたいてい食物は何でも食べ、食性は腐敗したものから人糞にまで及び、当然病原菌をまき散らします。実際にゴキブリからさまざ英語言う方法


ゴキブリは塩以外の人間のたいてい食物は何でも食べ、食性は腐敗したものから人糞にまで及び、当然病原菌をまき散らします。実際にゴキブリからさまざまな重要な病原微生物が検出され、 ベルギーのある病院の小児科病棟ではゴキブリのサルモネラ菌による集団食中毒まで記録されています。



病原菌の運び屋といっても“洗わない手”だって似たものです。病原菌の“質”となれば、ハエやノミやカの方がはるかに大物です。しかも、 ゴキブリは本来清潔な昆虫で、皮膚からは殺菌作用のあるフェノールやクレゾールを分泌しているという最近の報告もあります。上記の食中毒の事例も、 それが稀なケースだったからこそ記録されたのでしょう。人間の食物をかすめるといっても、農業害虫に比べればタカが知れています。

それにしてはゴキブリの嫌われ方はちょっと極端に過ぎないでしょうか。嫌いな虫のアンケートでも、ゴキブリは必ず第1位が“指定席”です。 結局、ゴキブリの最大の害は、その姿かたちが人間、とりわけ台所で遭遇のチャンスの多い主婦の感性に合わないというタワイナイことに過ぎません(と、 ボクは思います。



この虫ほど、切った張ったの大手術に耐えられる丈夫な虫はほかにあまりいません。ゴキブリのおかげで幾多の生理・生化学的な新事実が解明され、 生物学の発展に果たした役割には計り知れないものがあります。また、多くの殺虫剤もゴキブリの命と引き替えに開発されました


今世紀の初めころまで、イギリスの船員は船の中でゴキブリを捕らえて、重要なタンパク源として生で食べました。エビのような味がするといいます。 タイの少数民族では、子供たちがゴキブリをフライにして好んで食べます。日本でもある料理学校の校長の最近のスペシャル・メニューにゴキブリのフライを粉にして小麦粉と混ぜたスイトンがあります。 中国では古くからゴキブリが食用として利用されれきました。

さらに薬用となると、その効用は万病に及んでいます。たとえば、ゴキブリを煎じて血管拡張や神経痛に(中国-図10)。 ゴキブリとナメクジとブタの胆汁を混ぜて梅毒に(中国)、ゴキブリを煎じた茶が破傷風に(アメリカ)、ゴキブリ酒が風邪に(ペルー)、黒焼きが寝小便、 すりつぶして霜焼け軟膏に(日本)用いられたなどなど、枚挙に暇がありません。

しかも、その効用がただの迷信とは限りません。ヨーロッパでは昔、チャバネゴキブリで作った心臓薬が広く市販されていましたが、その有効成分には、 腎臓の上皮細胞を刺激して分泌機能を活性化させる作用があることが判明しています。
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Cockroaches salt non-human usually has food to eat anything up and feeding habits from those corrupt human waste, of course まき散らします pathogens. In the pediatric ward of a hospital actually detects various important pathogenic microbes from cockroaches, Belgium recorded until the roaches salmonella food poisoning.

Is a big incident involved in the ups and downs of the company if what comes out dead bodies of roaches but from processed foods.In that this is a first class health pests who negate objection.

But how dare rebuttal, let all know Roach really that bad guys would be?

Even though courier of the pathogen similar to "wash hands". If "quality" of germs, flies, fleas and mosquitoes of Tycoon is much more. Moreover, Roach is essentially clean insects, there is also secreted from skin the bactericidal action of phenol and cresol to a recent report.Recorded because it was above food poisoning case also it is rare? Known Hawk compared with even glancing in human food and agricultural pests.

Then it hated the cockroach, or will people just kinda extreme. According to a survey of insects like cockroaches always # 1 "reserved seats" is. After all, Roach the greatest harm is their appearance or their human,Only fit the sensibility of the especially high chance encounters in the kitchen housewife named タワイナイ (, I think.

Waving validate the achievements of cockroaches, and this is very helpful.

Cockroaches can proliferate at low cost, in large quantities, as experimental animals is important in biological systems around the world universities and research institutions kept at all times.

This Hardy bugs can withstand major surgery set of bugs as not many besides.Thanks to the cockroaches are numerous physiological and biochemical immeasurable to the role played in the development of biology and clarify new facts. Also, too many pesticides developed Roach lives in Exchange for

cockroaches as edible and medicinal world-wide variety of cases have been reported. Here are some from the book.

Until the early days of this century, British sailors in the ship caught the roaches and ate by students as an important source of protein.Are said to taste like shrimp. In Thailand's minority ethnic children cockroach fried and appetizer. Sui powder, mixed with flour and cockroaches fly specials menu principal cooking schools in Japan recently. Used since ancient times in China as edible cockroaches Conservatory has been.

And even medicated and covers all diseases that effect. For example, infusing the cockroach vasodilation and neuralgia ( Chinese-figure 10). Mix of cockroaches and slugs and pig bile syphilis to (China), reek roaches tea tetanus in (USA), a cockroach drink cold to ( Peru ), blackened is not at liberty to mention such as bed-wetting, mash, frostbite Salve used ( Japan ).

Not necessarily yet, its just superstition. Heart drug in Europe long ago, made in the German cockroach was marketed widely, but its active ingredient, Interaction stimulates the epithelial cells of the kidneys, stimulates the secretion found there.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
And to the human excrement, cockroaches will sprinkled pathogens naturally from what food to eat anything most of human beings other than the salt, food habit was corruption. Various important pathogenic microorganisms is detected from the cockroach actually, it has been recorded up to mass food poisoning caused by Salmonella of cockroaches in the pediatric ward of a hospital in Belgium. If what you Koyo also appear dead cockroaches from processed food, it is a big incident related to ups and downs of the company. Nobody scissors the objection that this is a health pest of first class. However, if away - let's say with a notice rebuttal dare, cockroaches or would the bad guys really so? It is the thing that to say that couriers of pathogens "hand you do not wash" 's similar. Once the "quality" of pathogens, those of mosquitoes and fleas and flies are heavyweights much. Moreover, there is also a recent report cockroaches with a clean insect originally, that they secrete cresol and phenol with a bactericidal action from the skin. Cases of food poisoning of the above should also probably have been recorded precisely because it was a rare case it is. To say that grazes the human food, hawk has MAY when compared to agricultural pests. How hated the cockroaches or would not only extremely little to be in it. Also the questionnaire of hate insects, cockroaches is "seat specified" is # 1 always. After all, the (, I think. Harm's biggest cockroach, it is not only Tawainai be human, the figure form does not match the sensibility of housewife lot of chance encounters in the kitchen especially when you verify the achievement of cockroaches in turn , this is actually quite good. cockroach can be grown in large quantities at low cost, has been raised constantly in universities and research institutes of biological systems around the world as an important experimental animal. this insect, the more stretched and cut not many are other tough insects to withstand major surgery of. Some immeasurable the role that new facts physiological and biochemical numerous are elucidated thanks to the cockroach, played in the development of biology . Moreover, has been developed at the cost of life of cockroaches insecticide many cockroaches as edible, medicinal also a variety of cases have been reported worldwide. I leave to introduce some of them from the book of things. Until the early days of this century, says it captures the cockroaches in the ship, tastes like. shrimp were eaten raw as an important source of protein is to sailors in the United Kingdom. in ethnic minorities in Thailand, children cockroach I eat in favor with the fly. has Suiton was mixed with wheat flour in the flour fried cockroaches special menu of recent principal of cooking school, which is also in Japan. The KOR cockroach it is used as food since ancient times in China . was when it comes to medicinal Furthermore, we extend to all kinds of diseases and its utility, for example, to neuralgia and vasodilation brewed cockroaches.. - by mixing the bile of the pig and slugs (China Figure 10) and cockroaches in syphilis (China) , (Japan) (USA), cockroach liquor etc. were used to frostbite ointment bedwetting, (Peru), Kuroyaki is ground to cold to tetanus, just to name a few have tea infused cockroaches. Moreover, the utility is not necessarily the superstition just. old, heart drugs made ​​with German cockroach had been widely commercially available in Europe, but its active ingredient, thereby activating the secretory function by stimulating the epithelial cells of the kidney that there is action has been found.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Cockroaches eat human food salt but most anything from rotting food and feces, to spread germs. Practice in a variety of important pathogens detected from cockroaches, Belgian hospital pediatric ward is recorded to the collective food poisoning by Salmonella. If things go from processed foods in their bodies, in the course of its business is a major event.This is the first class of Medical Entomology, no objection to the scissors. But I dare to say in reply, the cockroach can really that bad? Is similar to carry the pathogen of "wash hands and say" too. If the "quality of the pathogen, and fleas, flies much big. In addition, the cockroach originally from the skin clean, have recently reported that the secretion of phenol and cresol germicidal action.A case of food poisoning, and it is a rare case because it was recorded. As human food, it is compared that hawks in agricultural pests. It as a way of not just hated cockroaches in the extreme. In the questionnaire, I hate cockroach bug is always the first place "seat". In the end, the maximum of the human form thatHe has been quoted in the night that does not fit all of chance encounter in the kitchen housewife sense only, I think. To verify the performance of ひるがえって cockroaches, this is pretty good. A cockroach can grow well in large quantities at a low cost, and is important in the world as laboratory animals and breeding system of university research institutions at all times. This worm as the sound that can be extended into a major surgery is not much else.Thanks to the new elucidation of physiological and biochemical, have contributed to the development of the role of inestimable. Also, a lot of insecticides developed for cockroach cockroach lives as it were made of edible and medicinal worldwide in various cases are reported. From the present you some. At the beginning of this century, until the time of the cockroach captured British sailors in the ship, as an important source of protein are eaten raw.It tastes like a shrimp. In the minority of the Thailand, children like to fly, cockroach. There are tons of Sui cooking school principals in recent Japan special menu to fly and cockroach powder mixed with wheat flour. In China, since ancient times, cockroach is utilized as a food. Too too more, and medicinal effect is reached. For example, the cockroach and vascular dilatation Decoction (FIG. 10 China neuralgiaSyphilis and cockroaches and slug of porcine bile (China), the decoction of tea tetanus cockroach, cockroach (USA) (Peru cold sake), bedwetting, charred ground frostbite ointment (Japan) and so on, I have no time. In addition, the utility of sports, not just a superstition. In Europe, has been used widely in commercial heart made of drugs in the German cockroach, active ingredientIt is found that there is the effect of stimulation of renal epithelial cells to stimulate the secretion function. At
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