酸窒化物の特徴の項で取り上げたように、酸窒化物は一般に窒素の酸素よりも小さい電気陰性度のために、酸化物に比べて①狭いバンドギャップと②高い屈翻訳 - 酸窒化物の特徴の項で取り上げたように、酸窒化物は一般に窒素の酸素よりも小さい電気陰性度のために、酸化物に比べて①狭いバンドギャップと②高い屈英語言う方法


酸窒化物の特徴の項で取り上げたように、酸窒化物は一般に窒素の酸素よりも小さい電気陰性度のために、酸化物に比べて①狭いバンドギャップと②高い屈折率を有する。TaONについても例外ではなく、Fig. 1-1-5の吸収スペクトルの吸収端に注目すると、酸化物のTa2O5が330 nmなのに対し、TaONは500 nmと、より長波長側に吸収を持ち、可視光に応答することがわかる。この可視光応答性を生かして可視光応答の光触媒への応用が進められており、実際Fig. 1-1-6のようなTaONに可視光を照射することで水の分解反応が起こることが確認されている[1.12]。屈折率は、Fig. 1-1-7のように633 nmにおいて、酸化物のTa2O5が2.15なのに対し、TaONは 2.5とより大きな値になる[1.13]。
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
As noted in oxynitride features section, oxynitrides General, electronegativity of oxygen is less than for oxides compared (1) narrow band gap and (2) high refractive index has. About TaON exception, but not enough to look at the absorption edges Fig. 1-1-5 absorption spectra of oxide Ta2O5 330 nm, whereas TaON has 500 nm and more long wavelength absorption and can learn to respond to visible light. Application of visible light responding photocatalysts and being alive this visible-light responsive real Fig. Can cause the decomposition of water by visible light irradiation, such as 1-1-6 TaON confirmed [1.12]. Refractive index is shown in Fig. 1-1-7 in 633 nm, oxide Ta2O5 2.15 enough, whereas the TaON was 2.5 and higher [1.13].
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
As featured in the feature section of the acid nitride, oxynitride is generally for small electronegativity than oxygen of nitrogen, with a ② high refractive index and narrow band gap ① compared to oxide. It is not an exception also TaON, focusing on the absorption edge of the absorption spectrum of Fig. 1-1-5, with respect Ta2O5 oxide that of 330 nm, having TaON is a 500 nm, more absorption to the long wavelength side, the visible it is understood that respond to light. The visible light response was alive has been promoted to be applied to the visible light response of the photocatalyst, it actually Fig. Water decomposition reaction takes place by irradiation with visible light TaON like 1-1-6 It has been confirmed [1.12]. The refractive index at 633 nm as Fig. 1-1-7, while the Ta2O5 is 2.15 oxide, TaON becomes larger value as 2.5 [1.13].
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
As was discussed in terms of the oxynitride features, is smaller than that of nitrogen and oxygen in the electronegativity of the oxynitride has a narrow band gap 1 and 2 high refractive index as compared with the oxide. On the TaON if the exception rather than the Fig on the absorption edge of the absorption spectra of 1, 2 Ta oxide O 5 TaON 330 nm, and 500 nm, the longer wavelength absorption has, in response to visible light.Application of visible light photocatalyst utilizing visible light response, and in fact promoted Fig as of 6 1.12 has confirmed that it TaON under visible light irradiation caused the decomposition reaction of water I The refractive index of the Fig 1-1 in 633 nm, Ta oxide 2 O 2.15 5, the TaON 2.5 get larger and more 1.13 I
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