シッター、資格も届け出も必要なし…実態不明読売新聞 - ‎8 分前‎  ソフトウエア開発会社が運営する「シッターズネット」には、全国の約1万翻訳 - シッター、資格も届け出も必要なし…実態不明読売新聞 - ‎8 分前‎  ソフトウエア開発会社が運営する「シッターズネット」には、全国の約1万英語言う方法

シッター、資格も届け出も必要なし…実態不明読売新聞 - ‎8 分前‎

読売新聞 - ‎8 分前‎

ソフトウエア開発会社が運営する「シッターズネット」には、全国の約1万人が利用者登録し、約5000人がシッター登録していた。 インターネット上には、同様に無料で登録できるベビーシッター紹介サイトが複数存在している。利用者の記入欄には、「5歳の女の子のシッターを探し ...
関連 ベビーシッター » 富士見市 » シッターのマンションを家宅捜索 死体遺棄容疑東京新聞男児遺体遺棄の疑い マンションを捜索NHK意見:神奈川県警、ベビーシッターの男逮捕へ 死亡男児にあざ、遺棄容疑中国新聞詳細:マンションに男児遺体 遺棄容疑で男逮捕へ ネットでシッター依頼47NEWSすべてのニュース提供元(154 件) »
関連 ベビーシッター » 富士見市 » 47NEWS
マンションに男児遺体 遺棄容疑で男逮捕へ ネットでシッター依頼 東京新聞
預けた2歳児 死亡 ベビーシッターの男聴取 埼玉のマンション 47NEWS
マンションに男児遺体、男聴取 「ネットで預けた」母通報 東京新聞
ベビーシッター逮捕へ 2歳児死亡 死体遺棄容疑 毎日新聞
ベビーシッター:20代男を逮捕へ 男児遺体で神奈川県警 信濃毎日新聞
県警、ベビーシッターの男逮捕へ 死亡男児にあざ、遺棄容疑 3月18日(火) 埼玉新聞
富士見のマンションに男児遺体 シッターの男、遺棄容疑で逮捕へ 毎日新聞
シッターサイト:預けた2歳児?死亡 20代男性を聴取 北海道新聞
ネットで預けた男児、遺体でマンションに 母が通報、男逮捕へ 岩手日報

神戸新聞 47NEWS > 共同ニュース > 宇宙誕生時の「重力波」観測 米チーム、急膨張理論を裏付け
47NEWS - ‎15 分前‎

138億年前の宇宙の誕生直後に発生した「重力波」の証拠とされる現象を、世界で初めて観測したと米カリフォルニア工科大などのチームが17日、発表した。生まれたばかりの宇宙の姿を解明するのにつながる成果。 誕生時に非常に小さかった宇宙が急激に膨張したとする佐藤 ...
関連 ビッグバン » 宇宙膨張、裏付ける重力波=南極の電波望遠鏡で初観測—初期の姿明確に・米チームウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版宇宙は誕生直後、急に膨張した 138億年前の信号観測asahi.comすべてのニュース提供元(14 件) »
関連 ビッグバン »

貨物船衝突 11人救助、1人心肺停止
日テレNEWS24 - ‎10 分前‎

18日未明、神奈川県の三浦半島の沖合でパナマ船籍と韓国船籍の貨物船が衝突し、8人が行方不明になっている。 第3管区海上保安本部によると、18日午前3時10分頃、神奈川県三浦市の沖、約6キロの海上で、パナマ船籍の貨物船「BEAGLEⅢ」と韓国船籍の貨物船が ...
関連 三浦市 » 外国籍貨物船同士の衝突で1隻沈没/三浦カナロコ(神奈川新聞)2隻衝突、パナマ船籍の貨物船沈没 神奈川沖の浦賀水道朝日新聞すべてのニュース提供元(22 件) »
関連 三浦市 »

米特殊部隊がタンカーを制圧 リビア出港の北朝鮮旗船
MSN産経ニュース - ‎18 分前‎

米国防総省は17日、北朝鮮の国旗を掲げ、反政府民兵勢力が支配するリビア東部の原油積み出し港から出港したタンカーについて、米海軍特殊部隊SEALS(シールズ)が制圧作戦を実施し、成功させたと発表した。 米東部時間の16日午後10時、キプロス南東沖の公海で商用 ...
関連 リビア » 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 » 米特殊部隊、リビア出航タンカーを制圧 原油密輸を阻止日本経済新聞北の国旗のタンカー、リビア出港…米部隊が制圧読売新聞詳細:リビア反政府勢力下の原油タンカー、米特殊部隊が制圧AFPBB Newsすべてのニュース提供元(27 件) »
関連 リビア » 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 »

ラグビー小野沢がサントリー退団 日本代表キャップ最多
中日スポーツ - ‎28 分前‎

ラグビーで日本代表最多キャップ記録81を持つWTB小野沢宏時(35)が、所属するサントリーを退団することが18日、分かった。現役は続ける意向で、近く移籍先を決める。 中大からサントリー入りした小野沢は日本代表として2003年のワールドカップ(W杯)から3大会連続で ...
サントリー・小野沢が退団、36歳シーズンは新天地で/TLサンケイスポーツすべてのニュース提供元(6 件) »
関連: 小野澤宏時 » サントリーサンゴリアス » ラグビー日本代表 »

米国株、ダウ6日ぶり反発 181ドル高、ウクライナ情勢は想定内
日本経済新聞 - ‎1 時間前‎

【NQNニューヨーク=増永裕樹】17日の米株式市場でダウ工業株30種平均は6営業日ぶりに反発し、前週末比181ドル55セント(1.1%)高の1万6247ドル22セントで終えた。ウクライナ南部クリミア自治共和国の住民投票を受けた米欧のロシアに対する経済 ...
関連 ニューヨーク » NYダウ、6日ぶり反発=ウクライナ懸念後退で全面高時事通信17日のNY株式市場 6営業日ぶりに大幅反発して取引終了FNNすべてのニュース提供元(28 件) »
関連 ニューヨーク »

社会 »

時事通信 - ‎35 分前‎

住宅火災で女性死亡 付近で不審火7件、車焼損させた新聞配達員逮捕 東京・板橋MSN産経ニュース住宅火災で女性死亡 車焼損させた男を逮捕宮崎日日新聞すべてのニュース提供元(16 件) »

読売新聞 - ‎5 分前‎

新体操のレオタードを盗んだとして、警視庁池袋署は17日、東京都世田谷区、自称タレントの女(22)を窃盗の疑いで逮捕した。 発表によると、この女は昨年1月30日午後、豊島区内のレオタード専門店で、新体操用のレオタード22着(計約100万円相当)を盗んだ疑い。 この女 ...
関連 窃盗 » レオタード22着盗んだ『ミス東スポ』セミファイナリストの女 逮捕芸能ニュースラウンジレオタード窃盗容疑で女逮捕=自称タレント、ネットで転売-警視庁時事通信すべてのニュース提供元(24 件) »
関連 窃盗 »

国際 »

ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 消息不明のマレーシア機、インド洋で墜
ブルームバーグ - ‎3 時間前‎

関連 マレーシア » マレーシア機 南北2方面で捜索続くNHKマレーシア機不明 米議員、マレーシアの非協力的姿勢非難SankeiBiz詳細:インド軍、不明マレーシア機の捜索を中断AFPBB Newsすべてのニュース提供元(15 件) »
関連 マレーシア »

Newsweekjapan 対ロシア経済制裁を決定、 ビザ緩和協議などの凍結=官房長官

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The sitter, no qualification or registration required. Condition unknown
Yomiuri Shimbun-8 minutes ago

to シッターズ NET operated by the software development company and registered users about 10000 people in the country, had registered sitters about 5000 people. Babysitting referral site can register for free on the Internet as well as to several. In the user form, see looking for Sitter of the 5-year-old girl...
Related Babysitting» fujimi-city» sitter Mansion House search corpses abandoned charges Tokyo newspaper boys bodies abandoned no doubt apartment died to a man arrested for searching NHK says: Kanagawa prefectural police, Babysitting boy bruises, desertion charges of Chinese newspapers details: Mansion on male bodies abandoned charges in net man arrested sitter request 47 NEWS all news source (154 items)»
related Babysitting» fujimi-city» 47 NEWS
Apartment boys bodies abandoned charges to a man arrested in sitter request Tokyo newspapers
Tokyo newspapers
put 2-year-old man listening to infant mortality Babysitting Saitama apartment 47 NEWS
mansion male bodies, listening to guys mother reporting Tokyo newspapers put on the net
Tokyo newspapers
to babysitter busted 2-year-old child died corpse abandonment charges daily newspaper
daily newspaper
Babysitting: twenty-something man to be arrested in male bodies Kanagawa prefectural Shinano Mainichi newspaper
Shinano Mainichi newspaper
police,To be babysitting man arrested killed a boy in the bruising, desertion charges 3/18 (Tuesday) Saitama Shimbun
Saitama Shimbun
arrested in male bodies sitter man, abandoned charges fujimi mansion to daily newspapers
daily newspaper
sitter site: put 2-year-old children? Death twenty-something men hearing Hokkaido Shimbun
Hokkaido newspaper
as boy left in the body inform mother mansion, to a man arrested Iwate Nippo
Iwate Nippo
mansion male bodies, listening to guy

Kobe Shimbun 47 NEWS] joint news > backed by rapid expansion theory, at the birth of space gravitational wave observation U.S. team
47NEWS-15 minutes ago

phenomenon is evidence of the gravity waves immediately after the birth of 13800000000 years ago, space for the first time observed by the world team, including Rice University of California Institute of technology 17, announced. Results, leading figure of the newborn universe to unravel. Sato and at birth was very small universe expands exponentially...
Related big bang» cosmic expansion, support gravity waves = South Pole telescopes first observed — initial appearance clearly, s. チームウォール Street Journal Japan Edition space is all signals observed asahi.com 13800000000 years ago, shortly after birth, rapidly expanded news source (14 comments)»
related bang»

cargo ship collision rescued 11 people, one cardiac arrest
, tele NEWS24-10 minutes ago

18 morning collided Panama-flagged and Korea-flagged cargo ship off the coast of the Miura peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture,Eight people were missing missing has become. According to 3 regional Coast Guard Headquarters, 18 3:10 around the Miura-Shi, Kanagawa coast, approximately 6 kilometers offshore in Panama-flagged cargo ship "BEAGLE Ⅲ ' and Korea-registered cargo ship that...
related Miura city» collision of foreign registered cargo ship collided with the ship sinking, Miura カナロコ Kanagawa Shimbun two ships Panama-flagged cargo ship sank Kanagawa Oki Uraga water service Asahi Shimbun all news sources (22 comments)»
related Miura city»

U.S. special forces capture the tankers leaving Libya North Korea flag ships
MSN Sankei News-18 minutes ago

Pentagon flag of North Korea 17, the tanker departed from Libya eastern rebel militia force dominated crude oil shipment port, US Navy special forces seals TORPEDOED ( shields ) suppression strategies, success and announced. 16, 10:00 PM of U.S. eastern standard time, in international waters off Cyprus will benefit from...
related Libya» Korea» U.S. special forces,Stop control crude smuggling Libya sailing tanker Japan economic newspaper North flag tanker, leaving Libya. More US troops conquered the Yomiuri Shimbun: Libya rebel forces under crude oil tankers and U.S. special forces capture AFPBB News all news sources (27 views)»
related Libya» DPRK»

most Rugby onozawa Suntory resignation caps for Japan
sport between China and Japan-28 minutes ago

is Rugby with the Japan national team most Cap record 81 WTB onozawa h. time (35)18, found that resigned belong to Suntory. Close to first decide, in plans to go on active duty. From medium and large entered the Suntory onozawa in 3 consecutive from the 2003 World Cup as a Japan representative...
Suntory and onozawa resignation, 36-year-old season in the Xintiandi /TL Sankei sports all news sources (6 comments)»
related: hirotoki onozawa» Suntory sungoliath» Japan National Rugby Union team»

United States stocks,Dow six days after 181 dollar rebound, situation in Ukraine are expected in
Japan economic newspaper - 1 hour ago

[NQN-New York = masunaga Yuki] 17, U.S. stock market Dow industrial average rallied 6 business days after the last weekend finished at $181 55 cents (1.1 percent) high $16247 22 cents. Economy Ukraine southern Crimea Autonomous Republic referendum received U.S. and European Russia on...
-related New York» Dow,Six-day on rebound-Ukraine concerns retreat to rebound significantly all face high current communications 17, NY Stock Exchange 6 business days after all trading end FNN news source (28 comments)»
related New York»


cars on suspicion of arson, Asahi newspaper deliveryman arrested = matchbook continuous, two people killed-police
newsletter-35 minutes ago

was Itabashi police 18 days ago on suspicion of property damage arrested Tokyo Itabashi-Ku, Oyama-machi Asahi newspaper deliveryman, syenite takuto suspects (32), and set fire to cars in the parking lot.In the area in around 1 hour continuous total 8 of suspicious origin. Residential building and burned to the ground and killed two people, police are investigating related.
Female death car Burnout at Itabashi MSN from Sankei News house fire in house fire had burned matchbook 7 of the car woman died near newspaper deliveryman arrested Tokyo made man arrested Miyazaki Nichinichi all news sources (16 comments)»

steal woman self-styled talent, rhythmic gymnastics leotards 22 ringtone
Yomiuri Shimbun-5 minutes ago

by stealing her rhythmic gymnastics Leotards,Ikebukuro police arrested on suspicion of theft Tokyo, Setagaya-Ku, a self-styled talent woman (22) 17,. According to the announcement, this woman is suspect of stealing a rhythmic gymnastics leotards 22 ringtone (total about 1 million yen worth) Leotard specializes in Toshima Ward, 1/30 pm,. This woman...
-related theft» "Miss Tokyo sports' semi-finalist stole 22 wear leotards girls arrested performing arts ニュースラウンジレオタード larceny in woman arrested = self-proclaimed entertainer,Resold on the Internet-police newsletter all news sources (24 comments)»
related theft»

see more society News

in Malaysia aircraft of unknown Wall Street Journal Japan Edition news, Indian Ocean has fallen
Bloomberg - 3 hours ago

3/16 (Bloomberg): likely about the fate and whereabouts unknown Malaysia aircraft crashed in the Indian Ocean 16, leading Rep. several is while you concentrate.International support to investigate what happened to the 370 flights resistant Malaysia authorities said.
Related Malaysia» NHK in Malaysia aircraft civil direction of 2 followed by search Malaysia aircraft unknown U.S. lawmakers, uncooperative attitude accused SankeiBiz of Malaysia for more: suspended search of the India army, unknown Malaysia AFPBB News all news sources (15 comments)»
related Malaysia»

decided to Newsweekjapan Russia economic sanctions, such as visa relaxation talks freeze-Chief Cabinet Secretary

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sitter, also qualified report also without the need ... reality unknown
Yomiuri Shimbun - 8 minutes ago software development company does the "Babysitters net", about 10,000 people across the country to user registration, about 5000 people sitter had registered. On the Internet, babysitting referral site that you can register for free in the same way there are a plurality. The entry space of the user, locate the sitter girl of "5-year-old ...

Kanagawa prefectural police, bruises, abandonment suspect China newspaper more boys to death to man arrested in Babysitting: apartment search NHK opinion suspicion apartment raid abandonment of a corpse charges Tokyo newspaper boys bodies abandoned apartment related Babysitting »Fujimi» sitter the boys body abandonment alleged to man arrested in net news source of all sitter request 47NEWS (154 cases) »
related Babysitting »Fujimi» 47NEWS
Sitter asked Tokyo newspaper on the net to man arrested in boys bodies abandoned suspicion Mansion
Tokyo newspaper
Mansion 47NEWS of man listening Saitama of 2-year-olds death babysitter entrusted
"was deposited on the net" mother report Tokyo newspaper boys body, man listening to the apartment
Tokyo Shimbun
2-year-olds death abandonment of a corpse charges to the Mainichi Shimbun Babysitting arrest
The Kanagawa prefectural police Shinanomainichishinbun boys body to arrest the 20 Daiotoko: Babysitting
Bruises, March 18 abandonment charges (Tue) Saitama newspaper boys to death police, to arrest a man babysitting
Saitama newspaper
man of boys body sitter, the Mainichi Shimbun to arrested on suspicion of abandonment to the apartment of Fujimi
sitter site: entrusted 2-year-olds? Listening Hokkaido Shimbun death 20 Young Men
Hokkaido Shimbun
boys entrusted the net, my mother reported to the apartment in the body, Iwate Nippo to man arrested
Iwate Nippo
boys body, man listening to the apartment

Support of the Kobe Shimbun 47NEWS> Kyodo News> birth of the universe at the time of "gravity waves" observed the U.S. team, the rapid expansion theory
15 minutes ago - 47NEWS evidence and occurred shortly after birth of the universe 13.8 billion years ago of "gravity wave" 17, teams such as California Institute of Technology has announced the world's first observation, a phenomenon that is. Outcomes lead to elucidate the appearance of the universe newborn. Sato that the universe was very small has expanded rapidly at birth ...

Associated with the Big Bang »cosmic expansion, first observed in the radio telescope of gravity wave = Antarctic to support - the U.S. team Wall Street Journal Japan version universe signal observation asahi of 13.8 billion years ago, shortly after birth, suddenly-expanded to form clear initial . (14) »News source of all com
-related big bang » rescue 11 people cargo ship collision, one cardiopulmonary arrest NTV NEWS24 - 10 minutes ago

The early morning of the 18th, cargo ship of Korea-flagged and Panamanian collided off the coast of Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture, eight people have been missing. According to the third Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, 10 at around 3 am on the 18th, at sea off the coast of Kanagawa Prefecture Miura, of about 6 km, cargo ship of Panamanian and "BEAGLE Ⅲ" cargo ship of South Korea Flag is ...
In the collision of related Miura »outside nationality cargo ship between (Kanagawa newspaper) two ships sank one ship collision / Miura Kanaroko, news source of all Uragasuido Asahi Shimbun of cargo ship sinking off the coast of Kanagawa Panamanian (22)»
related Miura City » U.S. Special Forces North Korea flag ship of suppression Libya departed tanker MSN Sankei News - 18 minutes ago

The 17th, for the tanker that raised the national flag of North Korea, set sail from the embarkation port crude oil in Libya Eastern anti-government militia forces dominate, U.S. Navy Special Forces SEALS (Shields) to undertake the suppression strategy, the U.S. Department of Defense was successful I announced that it had. 22:00 the 16th U.S. Eastern time, commercial in international waters off the coast of Cyprus southeast ...
Tanker of national flag of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun block north, Libya departure ... U.S. forces conquered the Yomiuri Shimbun detail suppression crude oil smuggling-related Libya »North Korea» U.S. Special Forces, the tanker sailed Libya: Libyan crude oil tanker rebels under , U.S. Special Forces news source of all suppression AFPBB News (27 cases) »
related Libya »North Korea» Japanese Suntory resigning representative cap most rugby Onozawa Chunichi Sports - 28 minutes ago

The 18th, I found that WTB Onozawa Hiroshi-ji with Japan most representative cap record 81 in Rugby (35), resigning to the Suntory to which it belongs. In the intention to continue the active duty, I decide the transferred destination nearby. Onozawa that Suntory entering from Chuo University is ... 3 consecutive World Cup tournament of 2003 from (W Cup) as a Japanese representative
is resigning Suntory Onozawa, 36-year-old season in the new world news all providers / TL Sankei Sports ( 6) »
Related: Ono SawaHiroshi time »Suntory Sangoriasu» Rugby Japan representative » $ 181 high-rebound the first time in the 6th U.S. stocks, Dow, Ukraine situation is assumed in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun - one hour before the United States [New York NQN = Masunaga Hiroki] of the 17th Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounded to 6 business days in the stock market, I finished 22 cents $ 16,247 $ 181 weekend before ratio 55 cents (1.1%) high. The economy for Russia in the United States and Europe who received the referendum of southern Ukraine Crimea ...

With significant rebound in the NY stock market six business days of full high-Newsletter 17 related New York »NY Dow, six days after rebound = Ukraine concern recession news source of all the business end FNN (28 cases)»
Related New York » society » arson suspect, Asahi Shimbun deliveryman arrested = suspicious fire succession, two casualties in car - Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Newsletter - 35 minutes ago

As set fire to the car of the parking lot, before the 18th, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Itabashi station arrested (32) Asahi Shimbun Worker, Nagaiwa Takuto suspects, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo Oyamanishi-cho property destruction charges. Suspicious fire a total of 8 continuous in about 1 hour around. 2 people are killed or injured one building houses burned to the ground, Dosho is check the association.
News source of all arrested Miyazaki daily newspaper (16 a man who was woman died car burning in the newspaper delivery person arrested Tokyo Itabashi MSN Sankei News house fire that seven suspicious fire, was car burning in women died around in house fire ) » 22 Chakunusumu woman of self-proclaimed talent, Rhythmic Gymnastics leotard 5 minutes ago - Yomiuri Shimbun

The stealing of rhythmic gymnastics leotard, the 17th, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Ikebukuro Station Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was arrested on suspicion of theft of a woman self-proclaimed talent (22). According to the announcement, this woman suspected of afternoon January 30 last year, in a leotard specializes in Toshima Ward, stole (a total of about one million yen equivalent) 22 pieces of rhythmic gymnastics leotard for. This woman ...
Woman arrested entertainment news lounge leotard theft suspect's 22 Chakunusun related theft »Leotard" Miss East Sports "semi-finalists woman arrested = self-proclaimed talent, the net resale - news source of all Metropolitan Police Department Newsletters (24)»
related theft » More news of "social" International » Malaysia Tentsui machine Wall Street Journal Japan whereabouts unknown, in the Indian Ocean Bloomberg - 3 hours ago

The 16th, while the possibility that crashed in the Indian Ocean is "It's rich," U.S. leading Congressman multiple what to 370 flights whereabouts of Malaysia aircraft has become the disappearances (Bloomberg) - March 16 He pointed out the Malaysian authorities to have resisted international assistance to investigate what happened.
News source of all interruption AFPBB News (15 cases) »a search Indian army, unknown Malaysia machine: NHK Malaysia machine unknown U.S. lawmakers continue search in two quarters related Malaysia» Malaysia machine north-south, uncooperative attitude blame SankeiBiz details of Malaysia
related Malaysia » determine the Newsweekjapan to Russia economic sanctions, freezing = Chief Cabinet Secretary such as visa relaxation consultation

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
No need to notify the sitter, but.. Yomiuri Shimbun said on condition of unknown 8 minutes ago, "said at the software development company シッターズネット too, about 1 million of registered users, about 5000 people registered sitters On the Internet, there is more than one site as well as a babysitter free registration In the column of "five year old girl looking for...
sitterBabysitter in relation to relevant relation of abandoned mansion house sitter suspect doubt remains of Tokyo newspaper boy abandoned apartment search NHK opinion, Kanagawa prefectural police to arrest a man babysitter boy died of bruises, abandoning a Chinese newspaper in male bodies in an abandoned mansion net charges to the man arrested all the sitter request 47 NEWS news provider (154) »
babysitter related relation in relation NEWS at NEWS 47 47With the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper at the request of the sitter to leave Tokyo at the Internet man arrested on charges NEWS male body in an abandoned mansion at 47 NEWS man listening at the Saitama children babysitter mansion mansion death in male, 47 to Tokyo at the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper report at the babysitter arrested the man entrusted with "listening" net abandonment children died at the Mainichi Shimbun daily newspaper, suspect at 20 to teen babysitter man arrested in male bodies at the Kanagawa prefectural police Shinano Shinano Mainichi SHINBUN newspaper every day at the police stationThe death of a baby boy in a black man was arrested on suspicion of abandonment, March 18 (fire), Saitama Saitama fujimi mansion at the newspaper at the newspaper boy man sitter, abandoning a corpse to arrest at the Mainichi Shimbun daily newspaper at the site with the sitter 2 years? In Hokkaido, Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper at the hearing at the net with a man died in twenties, his mother, the boy mansion in message bodies in the mansion at Iwate Iwate, listening to the man was arrested at the stress at"The U.S. team observed gravitational waves" Kobe Shimbun "news" NEWS 47 joint space, sudden expansion theory to 15 minutes ago and said at NEWS 47 said 138 "too" gravitational waves in a hundred million years ago, shortly after the birth of the universe and the phenomenon for the first time in the world and observation of large U.S. California technology team, said Lead out of the space ...
Sato and expanded rapidly in the space is very small at birthThe expansion of the universe, the big bang relation related shortly after birth, supporting the first observation of gravity waves in the early universe; Antarctic radio telescope in the U.S. team clearly, the Wall Street Journal, Asahi signal 138 million years ago suddenly expanded com all news provider (14) »
related big bang stress relation ship collision 11 rescue, cardiopulmonary arrest at day 10 minutes ago NEWS tele - 24 said said too at 18 before dawn in the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture offshore ship collision Panama and South Korean cargo shipEight people are missing According to the third Regional Coast Guard headquarters, 18 at 3:10 a.m., Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, about six kilometers off the coast of a cargo ship, the flag of Panama BEAGLE III "and" South Korean cargo ship in Miura city relation between...
related foreign cargo ship sank a collision and kana Miura, one local newspaper), the collision of two cargo ship sank off Kanagawa 83 all uraga Asahi news provider (22), Miura city »
stress related relationU.S. special forces in North Korea Libya tankers sailing ship flag at the MSN Sankei news said 18 minutes ago at the U.S. Department of Defense said, too, that North Korea's national flag, dominated by anti-government militia forces out of the eastern Libya crude tanker sailing from the port of the US Navy SEALS forces (shields) control strategy implementation, and successful At 10 pm Eastern time on the commercial...
related relation in relation Libya U.S. special forces in international waters off the southeastern coast of CyprusThe elimination of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun smuggling in north of crude oil tanker, tanker sailed to Libya Libya clearance.. U.S. forces in the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper under the influence of Libya anti-government crude oil tanker, the U.S. special forces in all AFPBB News news provider (27) when »
related relation in relation Libya stress small Nozawa left Japan Suntory Rugby cap at most sports between China and Japan hold 28 minutes ago and said too at the rugby Japan has the most recorded WTB cap 81 onozawa Hiroshi (35)It belongs to the left to Suntory, 18 In the active, and will continue to move around World Cup Japan as of 2003 onozawa Suntory entered from the middle (W) from three consecutive games...
Suntory onozawa 36 years old, but the new season in all of TL Sankei Sports news provider (6) »
Association onozawa Hiroshi Suntory sungoliath relation relation at rugby, Japan, United States, stress strain relationSix days after the Dow rallied $181, Ukraine situation in front of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said at the time. I said

【 NQN masunaga New York = Yuki. The Dow Jones industrial average in the U.S. stock market for the first time in six days before the weekend, with the ratio of 55 cents after 181 $22 at St. 1 million ($1.1 6247 percent Economic relation NY Dow New York...
related to Russia, Europe and the United States of South Ukraine Crimea autonomous republic referendumFor the first time in six days Ukraine concerns over high rebound back = newsletter on the stock market NY 6 business days after completion of all trade news FNN offered sharply (28) in the »
New York stress related social relation »

car arson, Asahi newspaper delivery man arrested, two continuous arson the metropolitan police casualties at the newsletter said 35 minutes before the car at the parking place hold up and set fire to the police station to Itabashi, 18 ooyamanishi Town, in Itabashi ward, Tokyo Asahi newspaper delivery man in property damage the nagaiwa takuto suspects arrested (32)Around one hour before and after a total of 8 cases of continuous arson The house burned down one or two, and were related to the police station In a house fire in the vicinity of the female arson, death, death in a car burning woman newspaper delivery man arrested in Tokyo, Itabashi MSN Sankei news house fire burning car man arrested former all Japan news (16) of the would-be stress relation, 5 minutes before stealing her talent Rhythmic Gymnastics Leotard wear -- 22 at the Yomiuri Shimbun said at the stealing of Rhythmic Gymnastics Leotard, tooIkebukuro station, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Setagaya ward, Tokyo woman's talent (22) is arrested on suspicion of theft On Tuesday, January 30 last year, in Toshima ward leotard shop for Rhythmic Gymnastics Leotard, 22 (approx 100 million yen) to stealing In this...
relation related theft stealing leotard 22 "Miss" east of finalists in the woman arrested for theft charges news leotard woman arrested himself, talentNet provides all of the Metropolitan Police, resale, Jiji Press news (24) of the international »

Wall Street Journal missing Malaysia machine more »
theft "social relation

「 related news, India ocean front crash down at the Bloomberg said at the time said 3 3 June 16 (Bloomberg): the missing aircraft Malaysia of several influential members of the U.S. House of Representatives, on the other hand, in the deep ocean India" and "the possibility that crashed into theFor an international investigation into what happened on that flight support Malaysia officials have said Unknown NHK Malaysia aircraft searching for related Malaysia members in relation Malaysia machine and the area of the Malaysia uncooperative attitude SankeiBiz blame for India army of unknown Malaysia search all of AFPBB News news provider (15) to determine the relationship between stress Newsweekjapan »
Malaysia relation, economic sanctions against Russia visa consultation such as relaxation = Chief Cabinet Secretary at the freezing at
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