昨年11月に試作機が完成した後、商品の試作を始めてから完成までに長い時間が掛かったのは原料や製品の組成について化学的根拠を持たずに ただやみ翻訳 - 昨年11月に試作機が完成した後、商品の試作を始めてから完成までに長い時間が掛かったのは原料や製品の組成について化学的根拠を持たずに ただやみ英語言う方法


原料や製品の組成について化学的根拠を持たずに ただやみくもに製品を造り続けてきた結果です。
現状、商品がなぜ上手くできたのか? なぜ上手くできなかったのか? その検証が全くなされておらず、
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hung 11 last year to the prototype is completed, product development since long before completion ofAre the results without the chemical evidence about the composition of the raw materials and products have been just producing products blindly.Why did present the product? Well why not? Totally not the validationHaven't gotten even theoretical backing.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
After the prototype was completed in November last year, what took a long time to complete and from the start of trial production of goods
results that have been making blindly product just to not have a chemical basis for the composition of the raw material and products It is.
Status quo, whether the products can be why well? Why could not work? The verification is not made ​​at all,
it does not take also theoretically supported.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
After the completion of the prototype in November last year, from product development to completion at the beginning of the took a long time for the composition of the raw material and the product does not have the chemical basis of just blindly products would result. At present, why can I do? Well, why didn't you? Its not a theoretical verification is not something they achieved. At
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