また、750度, 4 Hz で製膜した薄膜のうちいくつかはアニオン空孔を生成させる目的で下記の条件によってポストアニールを行った。ポストアニ翻訳 - また、750度, 4 Hz で製膜した薄膜のうちいくつかはアニオン空孔を生成させる目的で下記の条件によってポストアニールを行った。ポストアニ英語言う方法

また、750度, 4 Hz で製膜した薄膜のうちいくつかはアニオン空孔

また、750度, 4 Hz で製膜した薄膜のうちいくつかはアニオン空孔を生成させる目的で下記の条件によってポストアニールを行った。ポストアニールは製膜を行ったチャンバーと同一のものを使用した。

アニール温度 : 800度
雰囲気: Base pressure (2x10-7 Torr 程度)

最後に、合成した薄膜の解析手段を簡単に説明する。まず、構造解析と結晶性の評価にはX線回折測定ならびにTEMを使用した。さらに合成に成功したものについて、組成の決定に、NRA, SEM-EDX, TEM-EDXを、光学特性の評価に分光エリプソメトリーを、輸送特性の評価に二端子抵抗測定、四端子抵抗測定とホール効果測定を行った。
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Also some 750 degrees, at 4 Hz with thin film prepared in order to create a anion vacancy by post-annealing. Effect of post-annealing using Chamber made films on the same thing.Annealing temperature: 800 timesAtmosphere: Base pressure (2 x 10-7 Torr degree)Known to produce anion vacancies under reducing conditions, such as high-temperature vacuum atmosphere, oxides and nitrides, in General. Or even where oxynitrides a-TaON anion vacancies may also discuss about what changes appear in the properties of anion vacancy. Detailed results to mention in section 3.4 or later.Analytical methods for thin films prepared at the end briefly. First of all, to evaluate the structure and crystalline by using X-ray diffraction and TEM. Shall further successful synthesis to determine the composition of NRA, SEM-EDX, TEM-EDX evaluation of optical characteristics spectroscopic ellipsometry, transport characteristics of a 2-Terminal resistance, 4-pin resistance measurement and Hall-effect measurements.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Furthermore, 750 degrees, and some of it is film the thin film 4 Hz been subjected to the post-annealing by the conditions described below for the purpose of generating the anion vacancies. Post-annealing was used the same as the chamber subjected to the film formation. Annealing Temperature: 800 ° Atmosphere: Base pressure (about 2x10-7 Torr) at a generally oxides or nitrides, in reducing conditions, such as high-temperature vacuum atmosphere, it is known that the anion vacancies are generated. Acid or a nitride a-TaON even anion vacancies arise, we also discuss what appears is a change in the physical properties by the amount of anion vacancies. Detailed results are I will mention in the following Section 3.4. Finally, briefly we will explain the analysis means of the synthesized thin film. First, the evaluation of the structural analysis and the crystalline I was using X-ray diffraction measurement and TEM. about what further succeeded in synthesizing, in determining the composition, NRA, SEM-EDX, the TEM-EDX, the spectroscopic ellipsometry for the evaluation of optical characteristics, evaluated two-terminal resistance measurement of transport properties, four-terminal resistance measurement and a hole the effect measurement I went.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In addition, 750. Degree in, Hz film 4 made of a thin film for the purpose of some anionic vacancy formation in the following conditions by post annealing is carried out. Post annealing the film made of the same and the chamber is used. The annealing temperature is 800. Degree: too: at atmosphere pressure Base known about 7 x 10 (2) Torr)

generally, such as the oxide or nitride high temperature vacuum reducing conditions generated by the anion vacancies.It is a TaON oxynitride or anion vacancy occurs, and the number of anion vacancies on the changes in physical properties due to discuss. The results are detailed in the following sections 3.4 refer to. At last, the analysis method of the thin film synthesis are briefly described. First, as well as X diffraction measurement using TEM crystalline structure analysis and evaluation. In addition to what was successfully synthesized on the determination of the composition, and to NRA, SEM EDX, TEM EDX -- evaluation of spectroscopic ellipsometry, optical propertiesTwo terminals of the resistance measurement in the evaluation of transport properties, Hall effect measurement 四端子抵抗測定. At
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