特に小規模酪農家の場合、酪農の経験が少ない人や、酪農研修を受けたことのない人が携わっていることが多いため、搾乳に関する基礎的技術が不十分であ翻訳 - 特に小規模酪農家の場合、酪農の経験が少ない人や、酪農研修を受けたことのない人が携わっていることが多いため、搾乳に関する基礎的技術が不十分であ英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Inadequate has been especially of small dairy farms, dairy farm experience fewer people or people who have never trained dairy because the fundamental technology for milking, a high degree of contamination of raw milk.The Milker about generally in favourable cases, milking buckets, equipment cleaned and disinfected by the, often after milking raw milk cold storage management is inadequate, resulting in high contamination of raw milk.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Especially in the case of small-scale dairy farmers, dairy experience and few people, because they often are involved there is no person that it has received a dairy training, there is a high degree of contamination is insufficient basic technology related to milking raw milk . Even if for milking tasks generally good, that cleaning and disinfection of milking bucket, etc. related equipment is insufficient, also, inadequate raw milk cold storage management after milking, resulting in that the degree of contamination of raw milk is higher is greater.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Especially in the case of small dairy farmers, dairy and less experience, it is often engaged in dairy by training the basic technique on milking is insufficient, there is a high degree of contamination of raw milk. Even in the case of the good work on milking, milking bucket, the related devices such as cleaning and disinfection is insufficient after the cold milk milking management is inadequate, resulting in many cases the degree of contamination of raw milk. At
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