私がかつて購入した2つのコンバータは正しく動作しています。丁度去年の8月にあなたから買いました。私は同じキーボードを15枚所有しています。メ翻訳 - 私がかつて購入した2つのコンバータは正しく動作しています。丁度去年の8月にあなたから買いました。私は同じキーボードを15枚所有しています。メ英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I once bought two converter is working. Exactly what I bought from you last August.I own the same keyboard 15 sheets. You could also experiment with other than the main keyboard keyboard does not work well.By the way configuration files are still written using the same. Do you a it little bit longer, but with the following settings wrong? (can't scan using the hid_listen.exe key is faulty I decided)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Two converters that I have ever purchased is operating correctly. Just I bought from you in the last year of August.
I am the same keyboard owns 15 sheets. Also try to test the keyboard other than the main keyboard did not work.
By the way, the configuration file was written using the same as the still. Do you have, but will be slightly longer, wrong with the following settings? (Because the key code can not be scanned even with hid_listen.exe has determined that I'm a failure)

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I once bought two converter works correctly. In August last year just bought from you.I own the same keyboard 15. In the main keyboard keyboard does not work well if the test.The configuration file is still the same writing. A bit longer, is set in the following is wrong? I hid it to listen using the EXE key code, so I cannot scan and fault judgment
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