Umlautは、本件業務を遂行するにあたり、本契約締結後2週間毎にSonicaに対して本件業務の進捗状況を報告するものとする。但し、Soni翻訳 - Umlautは、本件業務を遂行するにあたり、本契約締結後2週間毎にSonicaに対して本件業務の進捗状況を報告するものとする。但し、Soni英語言う方法




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The umlaut to carry out further work on the agreement signed after 2 weeks every Sonica further progress to report. However, the Sonica request at any time further operational progress report to Sonica.Article 4 (delivery) 1. Umlaut concludes this work Exhibits stated deadline, this deliverable should be delivered Sonica.2. What grounds regardless of barrel, the Exhibits before the stated deadline Sonica and Umlaut should be per its deal with good faith, to discuss, to fear this matter of delivery becomes difficult if the Umlaut is promptly report to Sonica why and how many days late, etc.. However, the debt non-liability in the Umlaut is not.Article 5 (inspection) 1. Sonica do inspection per this case artifacts than the Umlaut was delivered without delay and, to Sonica artifact case, passed the inspection and notify the authorizing delivery for the Umlaut, and. Sonica notification of failure when the Umlaut is to repair at no charge immediately must, again delivered after the inspection pursuant to paragraph 1 and, and after that as well.2. The stage passed the preceding notification to Sonica, this artifact has been delivered and the Sonica in on this matter of extradition.3. When the umlaut is received the notification prescribed in paragraph 1 of this article from Sonica is a performance process of this case (including the amendment process under article 10. The same hereinafter. ) In the governing planning guidelines to submit immediately any recorded information of any data created and these media, as well as provided by the Sonica, guidelines, technical information and copies of them and Sonica loaned to the Umlaut and its replicas immediately returned to Sonica.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Umlaut is, upon to carry out this matter business, and shall report the progress of this matter services to Sonica every two weeks after this agreement. However, when there is a claim of Sonica, it is assumed that also report on the progress of this matter business to Sonica in what time. Article 4 (delivery) 1. Umlaut, complete the matter business by the deadline of Exhibits described, must be delivered the matter artifacts to Sonica. 2. What serving the without regard of reason, if the possibility of delivery of this matter artifacts becomes difficult occurs by the deadline set forth in Exhibits is, Umlaut are reported promptly to the reason and days late, etc. to Sonica, Sonica and Umlaut it is assumed to discuss in good faith for its deal. However, Umlaut is not intended to escape the debt default responsibility. Article 5 (inspection, etc.) 1. Sonica is intended to be performed without delay test this matter artifacts that are delivered from Umlaut, if Sonica has determined that it has passed the inspection by the present artifacts notifies to approve the delivery for Umlaut I the thing. In addition, Sonica is, when the notification of failure of the effect, Umlaut immediately must repaired free of charge, it is assumed that then again delivered to undergo inspection by section, even to the same thereafter. 2. at the stage where Sonica has a notification of acceptance of the previous section, complete delivery of this matter artifacts, it is assumed that there was a delivery of this matter artifacts Sonica. 3. Umlaut, when it received the notification provided for in paragraph 1 of this article from Sonica is, all of the information, such as information / data that was created in the process of implementing a matter-of-business (modification process that is based on Article 10 also including. Hereinafter the same.) And with these to immediately submit any of media that has been recorded, planning guidelines provided by the Sonica, creating guidelines, technical information and copies of them, as well as all of the goods and copies thereof Sonica was loaned to Umlaut immediately to Sonica shall be returned.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Umlaut in carrying out this work, after the conclusion of the contract Sonica in every two weeks to report the progress of this project. However, if there is a request for Sonica, at what time shall report to the Sonica progress of this project. Article 4 (sports equipment) 1. Umlaut completes this work to the Exhibits deadline, this product should not Sonica supplier. 2, that is, what reasonIf Exhibits possibility that it becomes difficult to the supplier of this product, as described in the report to the Umlaut Sonica reasons such as delay time and rapidly, and Sonica Umlaut shall negotiate in good faith and has to deal with them. However, Umlaut is not the responsibility of defaulting on its debt. Article 5 (inspection well, etc.), a Sonica delivered by Umlaut with and without delay, in present examination resultsIf it is determined that those who have passed the examination of this product, Sonica shall notify the supplier shall approve and Umlaut. The Sonica, case, give notice to the effect that the failure of Umlaut immediately repair must be free to receive the inspection pursuant to paragraph delivered again, and in the same manner thereafter. In step 2 of the acceptance of the notice set forth in the preceding paragraph Sonica complete supplier of this product, but Sonica delivery of this product was. At the Umlaut. 3.This article from the Sonica (1) received the notice prescribed by the business process of this article 10 (including the amendment process. The same shall apply hereinafter). Recorded in all of the data in the data created and immediately submit any medium, and the planning design guidelines, as provided by the Sonica, technical information and their reproductions and Sonica loaned to any article and its Umlaut copy to immediately return to Sonica. At
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