中野一人2010-09-26 10:16:17私が生まれ育ったふるさと――山陰の小さな城下町なのだが、そこを後にしたのは十歳のときのことだか翻訳 - 中野一人2010-09-26 10:16:17私が生まれ育ったふるさと――山陰の小さな城下町なのだが、そこを後にしたのは十歳のときのことだか英語言う方法

中野一人2010-09-26 10:16:17私が生まれ育ったふるさと

2010-09-26 10:16:17


ふるさとの山はありがたきかな (石川啄木『一握の砂』より)





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Nakano solo2010-09-26 10:16:17Hometown where I grew up--in small town's, there was after that when the 10-year-old, from going to another 30 years ago. In the ruins of a castle surrounded by cedar trees or fishing on the Lake until there are companions and I at that time was after school that day dark, thick mud, 遊bi回tta, in.Remember that to everyone yesterday that had puzzled parents, saying that instead of when my father was transferred, and this fellow who break up and remain here alone, that you desire such as cut himself while staring at the memories away from the window of the train leaving the station of mountain and river. In the mountain in wearing Said Wulf never Wonder mountain in the heav'nly ( Ishikawa Takuboku "a grasp of sand ' than ) Had the opportunity the other day, in relation to work visit their hometowns decades Buri. Descend upon the's hometown station "Gosh!" and I heard the sound of flutes and drums season was. Trading partners had come for people to ask "is a Festival?' and, ' no. For local young people are focusing on the increase of tourists to Oh, year round doing welcome tourists with whistles and drums "is answered. Looking out of the train station, and certainly in the square in front of young people the number of people happy was around the drum in sight. Now that 'age', where said tourists who visit my hometown several years, also increased considerably. "Thanks, there 進mimashite is a lot in here! ' that as described in the corner of the station had lost used to.In car to meet suppliers who immediately began meeting for work. But my heart is not in the clouds. To the eye, somewhere uncomfortable views and flowing out of the window. "Different. Something different "that linger on thoughts. Even after successfully requested that care is a must. So, decided decline Dinner invitation and come up here to old friends to visit from, let's walk the town alone.The recall had the dining room to eat cheaper, tastier fish caught in the Lake, try go there for the time being. Across the bridge over the Lake, walk the old streets and go back to their childhood was Naughty. Sunset over Lake from the top of the bridge if you're lucky, might look. I'm sure "and, just like old times must be greeted me. Old-fashioned hometown you encounter the mind moyamoya clearly would. Desire to to suppress the irrepressible hometown in the chest, I even a little way without worrying about and kept walking.Hometown was entering Destination based on heart damage? Wide road and new bridge I still here in my hometown and different!. I often work patterns, thither go out here, or where local city walking in and not change. Tourist signs hung here and there, is a remain of the old bridge over the Lake is the name of the street to be sure, nice and trendy shops, leads to unforgettable atmosphere completely disappearing figure. And lost the old face, home to I did wonder what sensitivities.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Nakano Kazuto
2010-09-26 10:16:17
hometown I was born and raised - and he small a castle town of Sanin, but had left the there is because that when ten years of age, and that of before now three decades to become. Was elementary school at that time I, get together with friends and school is over, is those you can fishing in the lake, to become muddy in the Castle is surrounded by cedar growing thick and dense Asobimawa~tsu until dark every day. When father of relocation has been determined, this fellow and break up of is a disgusting, that was Tekozura the parents to say that it remain here alone, from the window of the train leaving the station of Furusato, Ya mountain of go away memories that I think as cut himself while staring at the river was, remember as everyone thing of yesterday. Mountain to the suited arsenic and hometown and saying fu thing without kana mountain hometown is Arigataki (Ishikawa Takuboku than "Handful of sand") the other day, was blessed with the opportunity to visit the hometown to a dozen years in relation to work. Alighted at the station of hometown and was thought "gosh" is, was because I heard the sound of unseasonably of flute and drum. Business partners of people who had came to pick, and ask "Is the festival", "No. Become the center of local young people, in order to increase the tourists all year round by Oh whistle words and I have a welcome tourists in the drum "that has been returned. When I exit the station, certainly a few young people in the square in front of the station was around the drum in Happi figure. Now that the "local time", the past few years, told me that he put on a lot of tourists that visit my hometown. "Thanks to, a variety of maintenance is'd made ​​progress here and there" as explanation that, in front of the station corner had lost the old vestiges. Among the celebrated car, suppliers of people immediately began a meeting of work. However, I absent-minded in not rough in mind. Somewhere restless in the eye views of the hometown flowing out of the window. I think that "different. Something different" does not leave the head. That it is not in the mood even after you have finished safely, was commissioned work. So, refused invitation is from a dinner like visiting old friends incidentally you have come this far, it was Omoita~tsu to try to walk the town alone. Fish caught in the lake, and remembered there was a cheap delicious Feeding cafeteria, it was decided to try anyway go there. Walk the nostalgic streets, across the bridge over the lake, I want to go back to their own time it was naughty. If you are lucky, might see the sunset over the lake from the top of the bridge. Surely hometown is, must greet me in the same way as the old days. If you come upon a traditional hometown, also the heart of moyamoya would clearly. The thought of to keep irrepressible even as hometown in chest, I, continued even walk without worrying about a little way. In enters the hometown earlier Dzu heart hurts Kana road widens Bridge also new is still here I thought I'll different from my hometown. I work pattern, but well go out to here and there, it does not change it as walking the local city of its somewhere a little. Sure, bridge also the name of the street across the lake he remains of the old days, is called the build of trendy shops, is referred to as a sign for the tourists that are listed there in here, off the appearance is quite figure that lead to memories and they've. The hometown you have lost the old face, I felt like was betrayed something.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
At Nakano alone at 26 2010 09 10, 16, 17. I was born and brought up in a small town home -- but, after ten years, several more than three decades before it becomes. At that time, I was a primary school students, after school and friends gathering, fishing every day until dark lake, surrounded by dense and cedar forest is playing in the castle became covered with mud. When it was decided that the father of posting, I hate this part and theLet me say that annoy parents to stay here alone, away from the train station to the hometown of the window, feeling of home, with mountains and rivers at the memories away, we all remember that yesterday. You say he is such a great and look at the mountains without mountain at home in the home, Ishikawa Takuboku "ichiaku no Suna) work too, recently had the chance to visit their hometown ten years.On arriving home station "and" father of the season was shifted from the whistle and the sound of drums. In coming up with the customer and ask the festival is "no", and ". In the center of the local young people, in order to increase the tourists, like flute and drum in a year-round tourist welcome the word, "and I will come back. Leaving the station, station square, and a few young people wearing happi surrounding the drum.In the age of decentralization and "now", in recent years, so that visitors to visit my hometown have increased considerably. "Thanks to the place that a variety of" was advanced and description, had the tip of the station without a shadow of its former self. In the car, in the attack, the customer who started the meeting at once. But my heart is empty. Flowing out of the window of the landscape in the eyes of some restless. "Different."I think that something is not away from the head. After they finish the job safely to the request that is not in the mood. So, to visit old friends then come here and I want to invite to dinner by myself, I try to walk. To catch fish in the lake, remember that restaurant was cheap, delicious to eat, I decided to go there. Walk through the old town, the bridge over the lake, when he was a little I want to go back.If you're lucky, the bridge over the lake from the sinking sun might look like. And, surely it must be as old as me. If the old home you will clear your head. To think of my hometown, seems to be this way, but to keep on walking. Come to my home at first to be widened road bridge is still too new and different from my hometown, I thought. I can handle the jobWell go from place to place, but not any different from that of the local city walking somewhere. Certainly, the bridge over the lake as the name of the remains of the old building and modern shops for tourists, there are displayed here, and sign the forms lead to memories have completely disappeared. In my hometown in the past lost face, I feel somewhat betrayed.
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