If the company or organization has brainwashed president and President of the subordinates and employees can do. When the victim is too not work a lot on the mirror. At the principal measures can not realize without being disturbed by it. There is a possibility of brainwashing and greatly reduce him to enter the room. It is effective to hide himself, without being noticed by taping a security camera, and the like. A figure that you will not be able to face authentication when you cannot see. TooIt will drop the breaker important than all the power. To realize the person not to drop. Fake food and drink so as to not aware of himself. At the most effective one with food and drink. At the mixed drug absorption in the body. At the brain operation. What is the mixed drugs related to one's favorite hobby. Cutting of microwave antenna cable so as to himself, without being noticed. AtTry not to look at. As for the person not to remove part of the lighting fixture. I think it is only a number, if the number is reduced to be brainwashed.