既存モーターへの取り付けは可能です。弊社と致しましてはユニットの増設を推奨致します。理由と致しまして、ポンプ単体の場合はMGOを使用する度に翻訳 - 既存モーターへの取り付けは可能です。弊社と致しましてはユニットの増設を推奨致します。理由と致しまして、ポンプ単体の場合はMGOを使用する度に英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Existing motor mounting is possible.And we mention it is recommended the expansion of the unit.Because every time, if the pump unit using MGO pumpExchange you need to pay to ship very larger.In addition to replacing the pump does not occur properlyThere is a possibility of premature wear of the pump.Even though I'll pump unit purchased, additionalI continue to study would be greatly appreciated.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Existing to the motor winding Ri with only the possible is .
We and 致are we of the unit expanded the recommended you .
Reason and 致and we , pump alone of the case is MGO to use the time of the pump to
exchange work is need for order, ship-like to the burden is very large will listen .
Also of pump exchange is appropriate in line did not crack the case in ,
the pump early damage of possibilities are also available .
This time is taken Ri sudden Technical pump alone you in the purchase top had if any , of the unit expansion also
pull -out continued Kigo consider and if you think you have .
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
It is possible to existing motor.Recommends additional units were our will.I was the reason why, in the case of the pump unit of the pump is used to MGONeed for replacing the burden to the vessel becomes very large.Further, if the pump is not adequately and exchangeThere is the possibility of early damage of the pump.Even if purchased in the pump unit in haste, and the expansion unitI think you and I hope you will continue.
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