第4条 解約等1.次の各号の一にでも該当し、預金者との取引を継続することが不適切である場合には、当行はこの円普通口座取引を停止し、または預金翻訳 - 第4条 解約等1.次の各号の一にでも該当し、預金者との取引を継続することが不適切である場合には、当行はこの円普通口座取引を停止し、または預金英語言う方法

第4条 解約等1.次の各号の一にでも該当し、預金者との取引を継続するこ

第4条 解約等
① 預金者が口座開設申込時にした表明・確約に関して虚偽の申告をした
② 預金者が、暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総
A . 暴力団員等が経営を支配していると認められる関係を有すること
B . 暴力団員等が経営に実質的に関与していると認められる関係を有
C . 自己、自社もしくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的または第三者
D . 暴力団員等に対して資金等を提供し、または便宜を供与するなど
E . 役員または経営に実質的に関与している者が暴力団員等と社会的
③ 預金者が、自らまたは第三者を利用して次のいずれか一にでも該当す
A . 暴力的な要求行為
B . 法的な責任を超えた不当な要求行為
C . 取引に関して、脅迫的な言動をし、または暴力を用いる行為
D . 風説を流布し、偽計を用いまたは威力を用いて当行の信用を毀損
E . その他A からD に準ずる行為
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
No. 4 article cancellation, etc.1. That still falls under any of the following items, to continue dealing with depositors is inappropriate.If, is this circle normally stop and account transactions or be notified to the depositorYou can close the deposit account by and. Furthermore,If notification to cancel savings account Bank reached on roof tilesRegardless, when addressed to the Bank had notice of cancellation notification of name and address submitted solutionsAbout to be.(1) the false depositors during the account opening application were expressed and guaranteedIf you find that(2) depositors, gangs, gang members, gang associate members, gang-related companies, gross.Of shop etc., social movements such as the 標bou ground or special intelligence a violent group, and other.Is et to equivalent persons (hereinafter referred to as "gangster, etc." these. ) To true andOr the past gang members and fall or falls under any of the followingThey found that if1a. It has recognized that dominate the management mobster, etc.B... Admitted gang members such as business involved practically and relationship with.CanC... Illicit profit of self, your own or any third party or third partyThe harm to the purpose, for example via the unfairly goonHaving a relationship is deemed to have beenD... And provide funds for gang members, etc., or provisionOf having a relationship is deemed to have involvedE... Which contributes substantially to the directors or management of social and criminal gang members, etc.The relationship should be blamed(3) depositors are themselves or third parties, either of the following applicable to oneIf you have committed the acts1a. Violent demandB... Undue demand beyond legal liabilityC... Transactions, and threatening behavior, or using violence actD... Spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or by force, our reputationOr obstructing the business of the BankE... Or other similar from A D to the Act2. Also in the preceding paragraph otherwise than at the discretion of the Bank Bank book Yen savings account shouldI.e. If you have a book Yen account will be closed.3. 2 If you have balance and cancel the account section, JBIC's amountThe order pay check be mailed to depositors for deposits of allRelieved of responsibility. Rentals and Yue Yuan interest other payables to Bank left.If you can transfer to other it.4. Bank shall cancel and deposit accounts, that loss, damage or otherIf you incur the expense, depositors bear them. In addition, JBIC isCancellation shall cause any losses, damages or expenses depositors and even liable.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Article 4. 1, etc. falls under any of the following items, the Bank continues to deal with the case of no inappropriate, we stopped in regular trading account, or you can cancel this account by to be to notice deposit. In addition, if we want to cancel this account by the notification of arrival, regardless of the name of the notification of cancellation notice that our bank, and sent to the address of some solutions. AtThe deposit account application, when expressed in terms of a false declaration of commitment to be found at the
② if depositors, violence, violence, members of the gang associate member, the group company, total meeting at the shop or the like, or social movement advocates grounder special populations, such as intelligence and violence to them at this other person (hereinafter referred to as "gangster") Or as in the past, they correspond to a gangster, etc., or any of the following that falls under the cases of A at.At that B with relation to management and control of gangsters like a gangster in the management, such as substantially as involved has to do at the C selves, for the purpose of damages to a third party or to aim at the company or a third party with such illegal profit, at the D with relationship is found to be used at the gangster like a gangster to unfair to provide funds, or access to.At that E with relationship is found to be involved in the management or executive to substantially with the person concerned should be blamed on the social and
③ gangster depositors, etc., or a third party to use the next one to one to correspond to at A acts as a request at the violent acts at a cheap B exceed legal requirements at the C responsibility act on trade, threatening speech act, or at D using violence spread rumors,As to our credit damage using or using fraudulent means or the power to act at the E blocking our business from other similar acts A D 2 even when other than in the preceding paragraph, the discretion of the bank, if it is determined that the bank to cancel all my savings account in this circle. The cancellation of this account to the yen. 3 if the balance in the bank account before the cancellation of 2), the amount of people at the instructions to check mail addressed to the depositor shall escape all of the responsibility for savers.The other money bank overdraft debt principal and interest to you at the remaining in the case, it can be transferred to the other. 4 when we close an account of this article deals with the loss or damage occurred at all costs, depositors are paid to them. In addition, we, in under this contract by savers for any loss, damage or expenses occurred, and do not take all responsibility.
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