Radish large roots?
Hidehiro Inagaki We eat all kinds of vegetables every day. Since vegetables is a plant, I am able to roots and leaves, stems, flowers, from organs such as real. For example, you eat a part of the leaves if cabbage and lettuce to, you can not eat part of the real and if tomatoes and eggplant. So what will the radish are eating any organ. And because much is written as "radish" in kanji, you might think as root, but not so much simple. Let's think of while watching the Kaiwaredaikon is a bud of radish. Kaiwaredaikon is made up from the stem called Futaba and roots, hypocotyl extending in the meantime. The part of the root, and the taproot that extends long from the seed, there is a lateral roots, such as thin beard that has grown from the main root. If you look good radish we eat, or have a fine lateral roots at the bottom, you can have a hole after that was with a lateral roots. The bottom of the radish is're able fat is taproot. On the other hand, looking at the the top of the radish, there is no lateral roots, we have smooth. The upper part of this is what hypocotyl was fat rather than the root. In other words, you case of radish, are eating organs different in the part and the lower part of the above. By organ is different, you have Actually taste different. Why Unlike come I wonder. Part of the hypocotyl are many moisture, sweet is characterized. Hypocotyls is water that is absorbed by the roots is sent to the ground stems and leaves, nutrients such as sugar made from leaves have a role to send to the root. On the other hand, part of the root is painful is characterized. Radish will continue to increase the pungent enough to go under. And most on the part of the radish, comparing the part of the bottom, I near the bottom is also often pungent component ten times. Here, have been hidden reason also it can be said that the wisdom of the plant. The roots, nutrients that have been made with the leaves will have been transported to the rich. Since this is a important nutrients to be used in time to bloom any flowers, troubled and is eaten insects in the soil. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from harm of insects, and I have accumulated a pungent component. Pungent component of radish, which is usually located in the cell, and it is bitten by an insect the cells are destroyed, and to undergo a chemical reaction, it has become a mechanism, such as to exhibit the pungency. Therefore, you will be increasing pungency about a lot of the cells break. When cooking with the help of these features, you will be able to pull out the various flavors of radish. For example, when you make a down radish, who like spicy then you have opposite is the lower part of, not good people of spicy you can make the down low radish pungent With part of the above. In addition, when down radish a strong linearly, cells are destroyed, will increase more pungent. Conversely, if Orose As gently circular motion, fewer cells to be destroyed, I pungency is suppressed. Radish you are eating casually usually also, there is an interesting discovery when I observed as a plant. What about other vegetables. When I variously investigated, might a new charm did not vegetables noticed ever come into view.