連絡が遅くなり大変申しわけございません。旅行会社から問い合わせの返事が来ました。旅行会社からは、ご予約、手配はすでに完了しております。現地へ翻訳 - 連絡が遅くなり大変申しわけございません。旅行会社から問い合わせの返事が来ました。旅行会社からは、ご予約、手配はすでに完了しております。現地へ英語言う方法





ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
You've got very sorry for any inconvenience. Contact reply came from a travel company.Booking from the travel agency and arrange already completed. To report your name to a local reports 5 days prior to stay about 10 days ago. Now, to the hotel not yet reported your name. If you'd like, what we ask, will be reported to the local. With that it was.I from this travel company requests this or would like to talk. We apologize that the inconvenience and deeply.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Contact is Sorry slower. Reply of the inquiry came from travel company. From the travel company, reservations, arrangements have been completed already. And to report your name to the local is, it is reported from the front approximately 10 days staying day before the 5th. Right now, still your name to the hotel side does not report. If if it is good, I will report to the local is to ask the contents. Was that of the. I think or speak the current demand in the coming travel company. We deeply apologize that it has the inconvenience.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I hear there is no is very slow. Come from the travel agency inquiry answer. Booking, travel arrangements, out company has already completed. Report to the local name of the day, about 10 days ago, five days before the report. Now, to the side of the hotel is not reported yet. May I have your name If you would like to ask to report. And it was. From now on I travel to the desire to talk. TooThat you will be deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
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