親愛なるATI神学校の皆さまへ。先日は、突然の訪問にも関わらず、時間を割いていろいろ教えていただき誠にありがとうございます。また、貴重な資料翻訳 - 親愛なるATI神学校の皆さまへ。先日は、突然の訪問にも関わらず、時間を割いていろいろ教えていただき誠にありがとうございます。また、貴重な資料英語言う方法







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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
To Our Dear ATI seminary.

The other day, thank you very much in spite of the visit of a sudden, I taught many for taking the time.
It will also thank you for providing a lot of valuable data.
However, to apologize for things to say to thank delayed my.

To stay in Kalimantan island for 6 days, I We talked to all of Indonesia a lot of people.
And if I have to you kindly,I am thrilled.
Also, to pray together with our, every time I sing the hymn, I now feel like there are a lot of brothers and sisters in Indonesia.
In Japan and Indonesia, they both convey Christ is difficult, but I'd be happy to mutual support both, if there Ikere prayer.

For work in Indonesia everyone, it is from a distance, but I wish.
In addition,Please pray that it is used for thesis I represent the glory of God.

Someday, I wish that the opportunity to visit the ATI seminary is given to God.
Everyone, Thank you very much.

Finally, please forgive a letter written in Indonesian poor me.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
To our dear ATI Seminary.

Even though the other day the sudden visit taking the time to teach you a lot, thank you for.
Also provided a lot of valuable material, thank you.
The apologize for late may, however, to say thank you.

For 6 days I stay on the island of Kalimantan, Indonesia many people who asked you.
Your kindness of the,I am thrilled.
Also became a sensation whenever I pray with people, singing hymns in Indonesia that so many brothers and sisters.
I think in telling Christ both in Indonesia and Japan is a difficult, ambiguous support, if they can even pray.

Good luck but in Indonesia we work for are far from.
Also,Please pray so as to represent the glory of God for my graduation thesis.

Sometime also praying that chance visit to the ATI Seminary is given to God.
, Really thank you.

Please forgive the letter in my poor Indonesia, finally.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
To all of dear ATI theological colleges.

Spare time, and there be it, and, in spite of a sudden visit, thank you for teaching it the other day.
In addition, I have you offer a lot of precious documents and thank you.
However, I apologize in it having been late to give thanks.

I stayed in Kalimantan Island for six days and watched a story to a lot of Indonesian all of you.
Have me do all of you kindly,I am moved.
In addition, it was in the feeling that sisters were that was brother that I didn't entrust Indonesia with whenever I prayed with all of you and sang a hymn.
It is difficult for both to convey Christ, but I assist it together, and, in Indonesia and Japan, I think that I am happy if I can pray.

For a work in Indonesia of all of you, I pray from far away.
Again,Please pray that it is used in order that my graduation thesis expresses glory of God.

I pray for God being given an opportunity to visit the ATI theological college again sometime.
Thank you very much, everyone.

Finally please permit a letter written by my poor Indonesian.
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