コーラブルスワップは、通常の金利スワップに、取引の当事者の一方が、予め定めた期日に当該スワップ取引を終了させるオプションが付いたスワップをい翻訳 - コーラブルスワップは、通常の金利スワップに、取引の当事者の一方が、予め定めた期日に当該スワップ取引を終了させるオプションが付いたスワップをい英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The callable swap, interest rate swap to normal, one of the parties of the transaction, says the swap option to terminate the swap transaction on the date that is pre-determined with. This has become a mechanism that combines (option to the original asset swap transaction) swaptions and interest rate swaps, minutes to retain the right to terminate the transaction, the parties have the option to pay than swap transactions usually (cost) is higher interest rates. That is,By premium of swaptions is added to the fixed rate of interest rate swaps, fixed rate is to become high.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
コーラブルスワップ said the swap with the option to terminate the swaps date typically interest rate swaps, which represents one of the trading parties. Are designed combination of interest rate swaps and Swaptions (swap to the underlying asset option) so that, the parties have the option reserves the right to terminate the deal, pay more than the State-of-the-ordinary swaps interest rate (cost). That is,By swaptions premium is added to the interest rate swaps fixed rate in the fixed interest rates are higher.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The Coca-Cola bulldog swap says swap with an option terminating the swap deal concerned in the fixed date that one of the person concerned of the business set for normal interest swap beforehand. System is such that this combined swaption (the option which assumes a swap deal original assets) with interest swap, and, as for the person concerned having an option, an interest rate (cost) to pay than the normal swap deal rises as much as I hold a right to terminate business. In other words,Because a premium of the swaption is given to the fixed interest of the interest swap, fixed interest rises.
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