◆まずは自己紹介をお願いします。ジュンヒョン:初めまして。僕は作詞作曲プロデュースをしているジュンヒョンです。よろしくお願いします。ギグァン翻訳 - ◆まずは自己紹介をお願いします。ジュンヒョン:初めまして。僕は作詞作曲プロデュースをしているジュンヒョンです。よろしくお願いします。ギグァン英語言う方法









【記者会見レポ】BEAST、「BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN〜キミはどう?」横浜公演前に記者会見





【記者会見レポ】BEAST、「BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN〜キミはどう?」横浜公演前に記者会見






【記者会見レポ】BEAST、「BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN〜キミはどう?」横浜公演前に記者会見


ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
◆まずは自己紹介をお願いします。ジュンヒョン:初めまして。僕は作詞作曲プロデュースをしているジュンヒョンです。よろしくお願いします。ギグァン:初めまして、僕はギグァンです。スマイルを担当しています。ハッハッハッハ!ドゥジュン:僕はBEASTのリーダーのドゥジュンです。よろしくお願いします。ヒョンスン:初めまして、僕はBEASTのヒョンスンです。よろしくお願いします。ヨソプ:僕はBEASTのメインボーカル、ヨソプです。よろしくお願いします。ドンウン:初めまして、僕はBEASTの末っ子ドンウンです。今日は来てくださって本当にありがとうございます。よろしくお願いします。 【記者会見レポ】BEAST、「BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN〜キミはどう?」横浜公演前に記者会見 ◆BEASTは韓国では本当にすごいトップアイドルだそうですが、どのような記録を持っていますか?また、一番これはすごかったといったことはありますでしょうか?Doo-Joon: I received lots of trophies in music program activities this year. More especially so this means recording and to this activity were the trophies of elements for even a little fun activities you can think. With it, cooled off, is another 5-year-old debut we are surprised, but after five years, despite not change lots of fans who love, I was really surprised. ◆ What is the best recollections on this tour?GI-Kwang: I was flowing music I've performed in Kobe before coming here this time, but then when opening. It was totally our parents also livened up the atmosphere, among them especially Joseph parents background music dance dance to and thanks for it. We have also our mood, thanks to its performances to. [Press conference report] BEAST, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN ~ you are what? "Before the Yokohama concert press conference ◆ soon or how to spend this year's Christmas?Dong-Woon: I think every year there are a lot of schedule and then get busy again this year. Concert with my fans, I want to comb. ◆ Please tell me Japan language I learned recently.GI-Kwang: ' wall Don! '-( ' you're what? "The wall Don in the MV! Scenes also became a popular topic )Dungeon: too often, so I can't remember. [Press conference report] BEAST, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN ~ you are what? "Before the Yokohama concert press conference ◆ last tell message and the tour's fans.Dong-Woon: tour in Fukuoka next week and finished the concert in Nagoya and Kobe, remain today in Yokohama and also because the lot to cheer. Met many fans in Japan this year, was happy. Because from this, please enjoy. Thanks so much today.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
◆ First, please introduce yourself. Jun Hyun: Nice to meet you. I is Jun Hyun that the songwriting produced. Thank you. Gigu~an: Nice to meet you, I'm a Gigu~an. I am responsible for the smile. Hahhahhahha! Do~ujun: I is Do~ujun leader of BEAST. Thank you. Hyonsun: Nice to meet you, I'm a Hyonsun of BEAST. Thank you. Yosopu: I main vocal of BEAST, is Yosopu. Thank you. Woong: Nice to meet you, I is the youngest woong of BEAST. Thank you really with me to come today. Thank you. [Press conference report] BEAST, "How BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN~ you?" Yokohama performance before the press conference ◆ BEAST but seems really amazing top idol in Korea, it has any such records or? Also, I think there is that most This was said was amazing? Do~ujun: I do got a really lot of trophies in the music program activities that were carried out this year. So rather than in particular this is referred to as the record, I think this a lot of trophies we were elements of the order to be able to enjoy activities even a little When the current activity. At the same, it surprised me was but I we have passed even debuted another five years, despite also after five years, does not change the lot of the fans, the love that is not cool, I was surprised really. ◆ What are the best and was fun memories in this tour? Gigu~an: I did a performance in Kobe before this time you come here, I'm BGM was flowing at the opening at that time. But on the bottom I had you'llcome also our parents, especially Yosopu of parents among them is me dancing the dance to suit the BGM, but I was liven up the atmosphere. I was able to make the performance in our fun feeling at that thanks. [Press conference repo] BEAST, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN~ Kimi How?" Yokohama performance before the press conference ◆ Do you spend soon how it is, but this year Christmas? Woong: every year the end of the year because there are a lot of schedule, and I think that it also be busy this year. I would like to Toka fans and concert someday. ◆ What is the Japanese that I learned recently. Gigu~an: "! Wall Don" chromatography (! "? Kimi How" MV in wall Don scene also has become a hot topic) Jun Hyun: so much so, it is not remember. [Press conference repo] BEAST, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN~ Kimi How?" Yokohama performance before the press conference , please tell us ◆ to last a fan of your messages and tour enthusiasm. Woong: it because Nagoya and Kobe, but the concert was over, I will do my best remaining tour in Fukuoka Yokohama and next week today also, Please support a lot. It was glad to be able to meet a lot to everyone of Japanese fans this year. I'll do my best in the future, please look forward. Thank you for your time today.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"First of all, please introduce yourself. Jun hyeong: nice to meet you, too. I am, Jun hyeong songwriting is produced. Nice to meet you. Gig at too: how do you do, I was at a gig. In charge of smile. Ha, ha, ha! Jun: I do too BEAST Du Jun of the leader. Nice to meet you. Han Seung hyeon too: how do you do, I BEAST Seung Hyun. Nice to meet you. Fearthecutest: beast yoseopI am the main vocals, BEAST beast yoseop. Nice to meet you. Dong Eun too: how do you do, I don BEAST UN's youngest son. Today, I thank you so much for coming. Nice to meet you. Press conference report. BEAST method too, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN to you?" Yokohama

◆ well before the press conference in Korea too BEAST top idol is really great, but have a record? In addition, theThis is probably the best it awesome? Jun: well do you show this year in music activities with lots of trophies. This is especially so that more and I think a lot of this trophy for us to our activities can be fun for any activity. The surprise we debuted five years later, in spite of 5 years,A lot of fans do not change, love is not cold, really surprised. What is the most happy memories in

◆ this tour? Fearthecutest: before the gig at this time come here to live, but at that time, the opening is BGM flows. There are our parents come out, in particular the beast yoseop parents BGM dance to dance, I gave up the atmosphere.Thanks to its performance, can we feel happy. Press conference report. BEAST method too, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN to you?" Yokohama

◆ well before the press conference too soon Christmas this year is how do you have? Don: Well, there are many well-known from the schedule at the end of the year, I think I will be busy this year. When the fan and a concert. Please teach me Japanese learned recently

◆ too. TooGig: don 'at the wall! " "Thank you, do you?" I don MV wall! RI Jun hyeong scene is becoming a topic: so much so, I can't remember. Press conference report. BEAST method too, "BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2014 IN JAPAN to you?" Please tell me before too

◆ Yokohama last press conference to all fans and message tour. UN: well don ended, Kobe and Nagoya concertDo the remaining at Yokohama today and next week, please a lot of Fukuoka tour. I was glad to be able to see a lot of fans in Japan this year. To do this, please look forward to. Thank you for today.
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