みなさん、こんにちは。これから、私の宝物についての話をします。みなさん、私の宝物はなんだと思いますか?こちらをご覧ください。これは私の宝物の翻訳 - みなさん、こんにちは。これから、私の宝物についての話をします。みなさん、私の宝物はなんだと思いますか?こちらをご覧ください。これは私の宝物の英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hi, everybody.From now on, to talk about my treasure.What do you think ladies and gentlemen I treasure?Please see here.This is the treasure of my smart phone.Junior high school, when my dad went.I used it for two years.This is game and is useful to interact with friends.Also, examine a route to your destination when you go out or meet up to very useful is.I usually often use to play games.I love the game.Also confiscated Smartphone scolded by parents, too much play in the game.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Everyone , hello .
Now , I of treasure for the story I play .
Everyone , I of the treasure that it is Nan think Do you have ?
Here your list please .
This I of the treasure is the smartphone .
Junior high school when it is , your father to Mr. purchase I had Tsu .
I can , 2 years it use has been .
This is , playing games , friends and exchange to be or convenient is .
Also , go out of time is , destination the route to the tone Bethari , wait Chi if even to or the Align , very useful to stand has Tsu .
I , usually well to the game use has been .
I , it is to the game Daiyoshimi is-out .
In the game Yu Te Bi-sugi , when the parents to deer are , the smartphone preparative Ri is above you may become Gerare .
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hello, everyone. At now, to talk about my treasure. At you, what do you think of my treasure? To learn. This is my treasure at the smart phone. When in junior high school students, did you buy your father. At two years, I have used it. At this game, it is convenient to communicate with friends. At the time of checking out the route to the destination, or to meet theIt is very useful. I usually at to make the game as well. I play the game of love. In game play, sometimes scolded by my parents, that was a smart phone.
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