Dear GoldMoneyお久しぶりです。私は丁度今GBPのプリペイドカードを発行しようと思いました。しかし私は以前あなたと小さなトラブル翻訳 - Dear GoldMoneyお久しぶりです。私は丁度今GBPのプリペイドカードを発行しようと思いました。しかし私は以前あなたと小さなトラブル英語言う方法

Dear GoldMoneyお久しぶりです。私は丁度今GBPのプリペイ

Dear GoldMoney



ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear GoldMoneyLong time no see. I thought I exactly try to publish GBP prepaid card now.But I previously had little trouble with you, you told me tackles the problemS is still issuing GBP buttons are.You already my identification is supposed to be in, should be issued at any time.Should contain the gold charge to my account (Please check! )Just GBP GoldMoney card you want, so please fix links immediately.Linkstate not incidentally, now displays "Reject", press the button.Problem should be resolved directly with your discussion on the.Urgent need to resolve a problem you are.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear GoldMoney

Long time no see. I thought I'd just issue now GBP prepaid card.
But I previously have you with little trouble, but you gave me to respond to the problem
no longer press a button to issue a still GBP card.

So should you have already my personal authentication, you should be able to issue at any time.
My account also of the commission minute Gold should have entered (check!)
Because I want absolutely GBP GoldMoney card, you must immediately fix the links.

By the way, right now will be displayed as "Reject", it has become a state where you can not press the button.
Problem is on top of the direct talks with you, it should have been resolved.
As soon as possible you will need to resolve the problem.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Dear GoldMoneyFor a long time. I thought it was just trying to GBP prepaid card now.But I have a little trouble with you before, you've sulfur or problem thatThe issue is still GBP card button is not pressed.You already have my personal authentication, so that you can be issued at any time.My account should be included with the fee is gold, please check! .I want GBP GoldMoney card, so please correct immediately.By the way, now. Reject displayed, press the button is not.The problem with your direct talks, should be solved.You are the urgent problems need to be solved.
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