アメリカ政府は部下を使い捨てにしているのか。米空母ロナルド・レーガンの乗組員の対東電・巨額集団訴訟(10億ドル=1200億円)レーガンの海軍翻訳 - アメリカ政府は部下を使い捨てにしているのか。米空母ロナルド・レーガンの乗組員の対東電・巨額集団訴訟(10億ドル=1200億円)レーガンの海軍英語言う方法



湾岸戦争に参加した米軍兵士六十九万六千人のうち、劣化ウラン 弾による汚染地帯に身を置いた兵士は、四十三万六千人とされてい る。 約四十万人の兵士が劣化ウランにさらされた可能性 があるという公表もありました。被爆したアメリカ軍人への保障はありませんでした。





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
What are disposable to men the United States.Crew members of the USS Ronald Reagan to Tokyo electric power company and massive class-action lawsuit (1 billion dollars = 120 billion JPY)The exposure in Japan's nuclear power plant explosion in litigation of the crew of the USS Reagan; But many people have questioned this fact.When the Iraq war, the United States explained caused about bombing Iraq who used chemical weapons.Put his body in a polluted zone by depleted uranium 696000 U.S. soldiers took part in the Gulf war of soldiers aren't 436000 people have. There was publicity that is about 400000 soldiers exposed to depleted uranium. There is no guarantee for United States military personnel were exposed to radiation.Others explain the many radioactive depleted uranium and nuclear-powered submarine becomes cancer and died.News of the bombing with depleted uranium munitions used by the army's own troops were deployed to Iraq. They is no security whatsoever. It was a throwaway situation.Many of the veterans are unclear.25% of homeless veterans in America and the almost 500000 people experiencing homelessness.Many are bothered by mental disease caused by LSD and trauma.What is the mental state of the veterans who were you worried.10% of the death row inmates were executed in the United States are veterans.[AFP = Jiji] shall be at least 10% of the death row inmates were executed in the United States's military veterans report released 10 days. U.S. nonprofit organizations do not consider most veterans mental state court and warn (NPO) death penalty Information Center (DPIC).U.S. Army, soldiers 40000 people to reduce the amount [AFP = Jiji] found that the plan to reduce U.S. Army future 40000 soldiers in two years. Said that civilians in addition to working in the army of 17000 people will also be reduced. Revealed that in the form accept USA today reports 7, U.S. Defense Department officials told AFP. (AFP = Jiji)Is whether the description of the United States Government a credible check on their own.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The United States government is subordinate to use have disposable or are you in on . US aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan of the crew of a pair TEPCO , huge class action lawsuit ( 10 billion dollars = 1200 billion yen) Reagan of the Navy of the crew of litigation in Japan of the nuclear power plant of the explosion in the exposure has become that you have . But multi- Kuno people is this fact to question the equity has Tsu . Iraq war when , the United States government is bombing Iraq for the people are used to chemical weapons is the cause and the explanation was . Gulf War to join the US troops six hundred ninety-six thousand people out of , deterioration uranium munitions According to the pollution zone in only the location had the soldier is , four hundred thirty-six thousand people that have been with . About 40 million people of the soldier is the deterioration has been exposed to uranium possibility that there is a public announcement was also . Exposure to American military personnel to the security was not . Deterioration uranium munitions and nuclear submarines of the radioactivity is caused by the multi- Kuno person has cancer or become death and was Dari I explained to people but some . Iraq to send troops has been a US soldier is my of the military is used to deterioration uranium munitions in the exposure there is news that is . He Raniwa any of the security does not have . Use have disposable of on situation was . Veterans of the multi- rather than the non-pension is . Of the homeless in the United States 25 percent are veterans is , 500,000 people near the Kuga homeless experience has been . Its multi- rather than the LSD by trauma or mental illness to 悩are Masa . Veterans of our mental state is who is worried do you us to . US in executions have been condemned of 10 % are veterans is . [ AFP = current affairs] the United States in executions have been condemned in the small even without 10 % are veterans and that it report is , 10 announcement days are . Court are veterans of our mental state almost a consideration if not , the US non-profit organization ( NPO ) "death penalty Information Center ( DPIC )" is warning has been . US Army, Soldier 4 million people a reduction to [ AFP = current affairs] US Army is the next 2 years at Soldier 4 million people a reduction to plan it is a minute bought . In addition the Army to work for civilians out of one ten thousand 7,000 people also reduction of being . US Department of Defense streak is seven days, US newspaper USA Today of coverage the certification in Melka us AFP in Ming was to Laka . ( AFP = current events ) the United States government of the description is credit whether it is myself in check , please .

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Diploma and transferred to Olds College Program SUSPENDED.
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