The United States government is subordinate to use have disposable or are you in on . US aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan of the crew of a pair TEPCO , huge class action lawsuit ( 10 billion dollars = 1200 billion yen) Reagan of the Navy of the crew of litigation in Japan of the nuclear power plant of the explosion in the exposure has become that you have . But multi- Kuno people is this fact to question the equity has Tsu . Iraq war when , the United States government is bombing Iraq for the people are used to chemical weapons is the cause and the explanation was . Gulf War to join the US troops six hundred ninety-six thousand people out of , deterioration uranium munitions According to the pollution zone in only the location had the soldier is , four hundred thirty-six thousand people that have been with . About 40 million people of the soldier is the deterioration has been exposed to uranium possibility that there is a public announcement was also . Exposure to American military personnel to the security was not . Deterioration uranium munitions and nuclear submarines of the radioactivity is caused by the multi- Kuno person has cancer or become death and was Dari I explained to people but some . Iraq to send troops has been a US soldier is my of the military is used to deterioration uranium munitions in the exposure there is news that is . He Raniwa any of the security does not have . Use have disposable of on situation was . Veterans of the multi- rather than the non-pension is . Of the homeless in the United States 25 percent are veterans is , 500,000 people near the Kuga homeless experience has been . Its multi- rather than the LSD by trauma or mental illness to 悩are Masa . Veterans of our mental state is who is worried do you us to . US in executions have been condemned of 10 % are veterans is . [ AFP = current affairs] the United States in executions have been condemned in the small even without 10 % are veterans and that it report is , 10 announcement days are . Court are veterans of our mental state almost a consideration if not , the US non-profit organization ( NPO ) "death penalty Information Center ( DPIC )" is warning has been . US Army, Soldier 4 million people a reduction to [ AFP = current affairs] US Army is the next 2 years at Soldier 4 million people a reduction to plan it is a minute bought . In addition the Army to work for civilians out of one ten thousand 7,000 people also reduction of being . US Department of Defense streak is seven days, US newspaper USA Today of coverage the certification in Melka us AFP in Ming was to Laka . ( AFP = current events ) the United States government of the description is credit whether it is myself in check , please .